i-Planet Installation Guide

Chapter 4 Removing i-Planet Software

You can remove i-Planet software by running the iplanet_remove script, which removes packages added during installation.

The iplanet_remove script does not remove the rp.keystore file, the rp.CAstore file, log files, licensing daemons, or the JDK. The script copies the /opt/SUNWjeev/preferences directory to /opt/SUNWjeev/preferences.save and then removes the /opt/SUNWjeev/preferences directory; it does the same for /opt/SUNWjeev/profiles.

Caution - Caution -

When you remove the i-Planet software, any S/Key information you generated is removed. Templates in the /etc/opt/SUNWstnr directory that you may have modified to customize the desktop are removed. If you customized any html files shipped on the CD-ROM, you should save the modified files before removing the product or your changes will be lost.

To remove i-Planet software on the i-Planet gateway or on the i-Planet server
  1. As root, mount the CD-ROM labeled "i-Planet 2.0" on the machine from which you want to remove the software.

  2. Run the iplanet_remove script on the i-Planet gateway or on the i-Planet server.

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0
    # ./iplanet_remove

    The Removing i-Planet Packages menu is displayed.

  3. Enter a number from the menu to remove the software from the i-Planet server, the i-Planet gateway, or all, as appropriate.

    When the software packages have been removed, your prompt returns.

  4. Eject the CD-ROM.

    (Any process started when the current working directory is /cdrom/cdrom0 must be stopped before you can eject the CD-ROM.)

    # cd /
    # eject cdrom0

If the i-Planet gateway contained the basic firewall application, you should reboot the gateway after removing the software.

# init 6