Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Installation Guide

Integration Tools

This section describes the files and scripts used in the integration process. All of the tools are available when the Solaris ISP Server directory services component is installed on a machine.

Since many files must be copied to the Sun Internet Mail Server host, everything you will need to copy is bundled in packages which you can copy to and install on the Sun Internet Mail Server host. The file /etc/opt/SUNWisp/ldap/sunds/sims/sims_int.tar.Z contains all of the packages you need to perform the integration on the Sun Internet Mail Server host.

The following integration commands are located in /opt/SUNWisp/ldap/sunds/sbin:


Creates user entries in the Solaris ISP Server directories using the sims_users.ldif file created when the Sun Internet Mail Server directory is reconfigured. You only need to run this if you do not have the mail users' data when you upgrade the Solaris ISP Server directory.


Configures a Sun Internet Mail Server directory to be a slave of a Solaris ISP Server directory, updates the directory schema with new object classes and attributes from the Solaris ISP Server schema, and creates an ldif file that can be used to add existing user entries to the Solaris ISP Server directory.


Configures a Solaris ISP Server directory to replicate its data to a Sun Internet Mail Server directory and adds user entries from that directory if an ldif file is available.


Reverses the configuration changes made by sisp2sims on a Solaris ISP Server directory. Only the replication configuration is removed; any entries that were added or altered remain unchanged.


Reverses the configuration changes made by sims2sisp on a Sun Internet Mail Server directory. The replication configuration is removed, but any entries that were added or altered remain unchanged.

In addition to these commands, you will need to use the files that contain Solaris ISP Server schema information. These files are bundled in a package in the sims_int.tar.Z file that you copy to the Sun Internet Mail Server directory host.

Defines attributes used by Solaris ISP Server object classes in the extended schema.


Defines the ispSubscriber, ispAdministrator, ispService, and ispManagedService object classes used in the Solaris ISP Server directory schema.