Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide

The Complete ldif File

The complete ldif file for a complex user looks like:

dn: cn=Jane Doe (jldoe),ou=People,ou=wcgate1,ou=eng,o=sun,c=US
commonname:Jane Doe (jldoe)
sn: Doe
uid: jldoe 
userpassword: hidden 
gidnumber: 60001 
uidnumber: 60001 
objectclass: ispSubscriber 
objectclass: remoteUser
ispcontentdirectory: /home/users/jldoe
authsuffixname: @ispxpress
grpcheckinfo: authSuffixName
grpcheckinfo: userPassword
authserviceprotocol: Framed-User
framedrouting: None
framedprotocol: PPP
grpreplyinfo: authServiceProtocol
grpreplyinfo: framedProtocol
grpreplyinfo: framedRouting