Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide

ispSubscriber Class

Purpose: Defines an entry representing a subscriber (customer) of the ISP. The ispSubscriber's relative distinguished name is the commonName attribute and its value. Its superior object is inetOrgPerson.

If you are using the RADIUS server that comes with Sun Directory Services, overlay the ispSubscriber objects with the remoteUser object class.

Table 6-4 ispSubscriber Attributes
 Attribute name Mandatory? Schema Purpose
associatedDomain No Base The domain with which this subscriber is associated.
commonName Yes Base The name of the subscriber described by the entry, in the form Firstname Lastname (userid).
gidNumber No Base A UNIX group-ID. Specifies the gid of files created via FTP by this user.
homeDirectory No Base The file system location of the home directory of the subscriber described by the entry. (Not used by Solaris ISP Server.)
host No Base The fully-qualified name of the host. Not used by Solaris ISP Server.
ispAuthorizedServices No Extension The distinguished names of services the subscriber is authorized to use.
ispContentDirectory No ExtensionA directory location where content belonging to a subscriber is located. For virtually-hosted FTP and Web services, the path relative to the ispRootDirectory.
labeledURI  No Base The Uniform Resource Identifier and label associated with the Web page of this subscriber.
mail No Base The advertised electronic mail address of the subscriber.
objectClass Yes BaseThe object class of the entry (ispSubscriber).
ou No BaseThe organizational unit to which the subscriber belongs (in Solaris ISP Server, the People node under a domain entry).
surname Yes Base The family name of the subscriber.
uidNumber No Base A UNIX user-ID. Specifies the uid of files created via FTP by this user.
userCertificate No Base A certificate containing the public key of the subscriber.
userid Yes Base The login name of the subscriber.
userPassword Yes Base The password of the subscriber.