Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Administration Guide

ispManagedService Class

Purpose: Defines an entry representing an ISP service that is managed by Sun Internet Administrator. This object class is reserved for use by Sun Internet Administrator. The ispManagedService's relative distinguished name is the host attribute and its value.

Table 6-2 ispManagedService Attributes
 Attribute name Mandatory? Schema Purpose
associatedName No Base The distinguished name of the top-level service entry for this service.
commonName No Base The user-friendly name of a service, for display in the GUI of Sun Internet Administrator
host Yes Base The fully-qualified name of the host where this service is installed.
ispCategory No BaseThe type of user interface supported by this service. See the ispCategory attribute section for details.
ispImageFile No Extension The name of a GIF image file containing the icon for this service.
ispServiceLocation No Extension The path to the X-based administration application for this service.
ispParameterizedOperation No Extension Information on a supported command-line utility that accepts parameters.
ispServlets No Extension The fully-qualified Java class name of a servlet used in this service's administration user interface.
ispServletClasspath No Extension The Java classpath for classes required by this service's administration user interface.
ispSupportedOperation No Extension Information on a supported command-line utility that accepts no parameters.
ispVersion No Extension The release number (major.minor) of the service described by the entry.
labeledURI  No Base The path to the main GUI page of a service. For a 3-tier service, enter a path relative to the document root. For a 2-tier service, enter the complete URL.
objectClass Yes BaseThe object class of the entry (ispManagedService).