Solaris ISP Server 2.0 Reference Guide
 scanlog command ( Index Term Link )
 send Usenet articles to a remote NNTP server ( Index Term Link )
 send Usenet articles to remote NNTP site ( Index Term Link )
 show current number of users for each class -- ftpcount ( Index Term Link )
 shut down the ftp servers at a given time -- ftpshut ( Index Term Link )
 SNS, configuration data ( Index Term Link )
 sns.conf configuration files ( Index Term Link )
 snsd, log configuration file ( Index Term Link )
 snsd command ( Index Term Link )
 snsnews command ( Index Term Link )
 specify default values for Usenet distribution header ( Index Term Link )
 specify handling of Usenet control messages ( Index Term Link )
 specify where Usenet newsfeed articles get sent ( Index Term Link )
 start, news feeder daemon ( Index Term Link )
 start Sun WebServer instances ( Index Term Link )
 Status report, creating ( Index Term Link )
 stop, news feeder daemon ( Index Term Link )
 Summary, configuration files ( Index Term Link )
 Summary of commands ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Internet Administrator
  add administrator ( Index Term Link )
  add service ( Index Term Link )
  delete service ( Index Term Link )
  help ( Index Term Link )
  initial entries ( Index Term Link )
  list components ( Index Term Link )
  list services ( Index Term Link )
  manage service ( Index Term Link )
  password ( Index Term Link )
  register component ( Index Term Link )
  register service ( Index Term Link )
  remove administrator ( Index Term Link )
  remove service ( Index Term Link )
  set administrator password ( Index Term Link )
  unregister component ( Index Term Link )
  unregister service ( Index Term Link )
  version ( Index Term Link )
 Sun News Server configuration data ( Index Term Link )
 syslog logging in Sun WebServer ( Index Term Link )