Sun WebServer 2.1 Installation Guide

Chapter 1 Sun WebServer 2.1 Installation

The installation process is broken up into the following sections:

Installation Requirements

Before installing Sun WebServer on your machine, check the following minimum system requirements:


Operating System:

Disk Space:


Patches (SPARC):

Patches (Intel):

Swap Space:

Web Browser Administration:

Planning Your Installation

Before you install Sun WebServer, you'll want to think about the following:

Installing Sun WebServer

To install Sun WebServer using the pkgadd command:
  1. Become superuser.

    % su
  2. Change (cd) to the Sun WebServer directory on the CD or to the directory where you unpacked the archives. For example:

    Note -

    The packages are located in the directory where you unpacked the archives; however, the actual directory names may vary depending on how you purchased Sun WebServer.

    # cd /tmp
  3. (Optional) If you want SSL support, complete this step. If you do not want SSL support, skip this step and move on to Step 4.

    You should install the packages in the specified order as some packages have dependencies on other packages.

    The installation process is interactive and will prompt you for answers. Answer "yes" to all questions in the pkgadd process.

    Note -

    You should only install the SUNWhttp packages to custom locations. The security tools packages (SUNWfns, SUNWski, SUNWskica, SUNWskicw, SUNWskimc, SUNWskimu, SUNWssl) should always be installed to their default locations.

    SSL Installation
    1. Remove the SUNWfns package installed with Solaris 2.6.

      Disregard the warnings regarding the disposal of SUNWfns.

      Note -

      SUNWfns should be upgraded to the version we supply on Solaris 2.6 systems. On Solaris 7, you do not need to remove or upgrade the exisitng SUNWfns.

      # pkgrm SUNWfns
    2. Change directories to the directory that contains the SSL packages, and install the updated version SUNWfns along with the SUNWski and SUNWssl packages. On Solaris 7, you do not need to remove or upgrade the exisitng SUNWfns.

      Note -

      If you have a global export version, install SUNWssl instead of SUNWssld. Also, there is no SUNWskild package to install. The SUNWskild package should be installed after the SUNWski package to ensure the integrity of all symbolic links.

      # pkgadd -d . SUNWfns SUNWski SUNWskild SUNWskica\
      SUNWskicw SUNWskimc SUNWskimu SUNWssld
  4. Install the Sun WebServer packages.

    To Install Sun WebServer to Default Directories:
    1. Change directories to the directory containing the Sun WebServer core packages, and install the packages.

      The installation process is interactive and will prompt you for answers. Answer "yes" to all questions in the pkgadd process.

      Note -

      SUNWhtsvl is the Java Servlet Support package and is only required if you want support for servlets. It requires SolarisTM JDKTM 1.1.6. You can download the lastest version of Solaris JDK at URL SUNWhtadm is the Sun WebServer GUI applet and server package. It is recommended for easy management of Sun WebServer.

      # pkgadd -d . SUNWhttp SUNWhtsvl SUNWixklg SUNWixavm SUNWhtadm SUNWhttpc
    2. Change directories to the directory containing the Sun WebServer online help and man pages, and install the documentation packages:

      # pkgadd -d . SUNWhtdoc SUNWhtman


Sun WebServer includes the following packages:


Administration Package


Servlet Support Package


Daemon and Supporting Binaries Package


Configuration Package


Online Help Package


Sun WebServer Man Pages Package


Federated Naming System


SKI 1.0 Software (User Package)


SKI 1.0 Software (CA Package)


SKI 1.0 Software (Licensing Package for CA)


SKI 1.0 Software (CA Manual Page Package)


SKI 1.0 Software (CA User Manual Page Package)


SSL 1.0 Software (Global Version Library)


SKI 1.0 Software Package (US and Canada Library)


SSL 1.0 Software (US and Canada Library)


KLG classes.


JMAPI AVM classes.

Uninstalling Sun WebServer

To uninstall the Sun WebServer software, use pkgrm.
  1. Become superuser.

    % su
  2. To remove the Sun WebServer core packages, complete the following command.

    If you installed Sun WebServer to default locations, type

    # pkgrm SUNWhttpc SUNWhtsvl SUNWhtadm SUNWhttp SUNWhtdoc \
    SUNWhtman SUNWixklg SUNWixavm

    If you installed Sun WebServer to non-default locations, type

    # pkgrm -R <install_root> SUNWhttpc SUNWhtsvl SUNWhtadm SUNWhttp SUNWhtdoc \
    SUNWhtman SUNWixklg SUNWixavm
  3. To remove the SSL packages, type:

    # pkgrm SUNWski SUNWskicw SUNWskica SUNWskimc SUNWskimu SUNWssl

    Note -

    In the above example, substitue SUNWssld for SUNWssl, and add SUNWskild if you have the US/Canada version of Sun WebServer.