Sun WebServer 2.1 Installation Guide

Start Sun WebServer

To start Sun WebServer, run htserver start with the -a option:

# htserver start -aadmin : Started successfully.

To verify that your server is running, use the htserver list command. If the server instance named admin has a process ID listed, then the server is running:

# htserver listInstance : admin
        Enabled : Yes
        pid : 29159
        Config file : /usr/http/admin_server/conf/admin.httpd.conf

If you want the administration server automatically restarted if it stops or at reboot, you must enable the server. If the administration server is enabled, it will be restarted whenever htserver start is run with no arguments.

To enable the server:

# htserver enable -aadmin: Enabled.

For more information on htserver, refer to the htserver(1m) man page.