Sun WebServer 2.1 Installation Guide

server{} Block Conversion
  1. Given the following Sun WebServer 1.0 server{} block in /etc/http/httpd.conf:

    server {
    	server_root							"/var/http/demo/"
    	server_user							"root"
    	mime_add										"image/jpeg"	"JPG"
    	mime_default_type	 text/html
    	acl_enable								"yes"
    	acl_file										"/etc/http/access.acl"
    	acl_delegate_depth			3
    	map			/cgi-bin/				/var/http/cgi-bin/			cgi	
  2. Modify the server{} block in /etc/http/server1.httpd.conf:

    server {
    	server_root							"/var/http/demo/"
    	server_user							"http"
    	mime_file									"/etc/http/mime.types"
    	mime_default_type	 text/html
    	access_enable					"yes"
  3. Add the MIME mapping to the /etc/http/mime.types file specified in (2):

    image/jpeg				JPG