Sun WebServer 2.1 Installation Guide

Modifying the Server-Level Configuration File

Most of the configuration parameters from the Sun WebServer 1.0 url{} blocks will be placed in the site-level configuration file, One exception is setting the ports on which a virtual host listens. For each virtual host, one must specify on which IP addresses and ports it accepts connections. (This is different than in 1.0, where this information was stored in the port{} blocks using the hosts_supported directive.) IP address:port pairs are termed "connection end points" in Sun WebServer 2.1. All web sites should have their connection end points specified (with the exception of the default web site, which listens on all interfaces and does not allow connection end points to be defined). For more information on connection end points, see httpd.conf (4).

Setting the connection end points of a web site
  1. To have the virtual host, widgets, accept connections on IP address on port 80, and all IP addresses on port 1880, write the following in /etc/http/server1.httpd.conf:

    url //widgets {
    	site_enable					 "yes"
    	site_path							 "/var/http/server1/websites/widgets"
    	site_config						"conf/"

Note -

Not specifying IP address to the left of the colon (:) defaults to "all IP addresses" in a HTTP 1.1 virtual host. Also note that all connection end points specified must be mapped by port{} blocks.