WBEMfor Solaris on Sun Developer's Guide

CIM and Solaris

Sun Microsystems, Inc. extends CIM principles and classes in the Solaris operating environment. Developed in Java to run on any Java-enabled platform, the Sun implementation consists of two products: the Sun WBEM SDK and Solaris WBEM Services.


The Sun WBEM Software Development Kit (SDK) contains the components required to write management applications that can communicate with any WBEM-enabled management device. Developers can also use this tool kit to write providers, programs that communicate with managed objects to access data. All management applications developed using Sun WBEM SDK run on the Java platform. For more information about Sun WBEM SDK components and installation instructions, see Chapter 2, Installing the Sun WBEM SDK.

Solaris WBEM Services

Solaris WBEM Services provides routing and security services. The CIM Object Manager routes data about objects and events between components. Sun WBEM User Manager is an application with a graphical user interface in which you can set user permissions to specific work areas. For more information about Solaris WBEM Services components and installation instructions, see Chapter 10, Installing Solaris WBEM Services.