WBEMfor Solaris on Sun Developer's Guide

Modifying a Provider

You can make changes to a Provider class while the CIM Object Manager and provider are running. But you must stop and restart the CIM Object Manager to make the changes take effect.

To Modify a Provider
  1. Edit the provider source file.

  2. Compile the provider source file. For example:

    % java MyProvider.java

  3. Become root on your system by typing the following command at the system prompt:

    % su

  4. Type the root password when you are prompted.

  5. Change directories to the location of the init.wbem command by typing the following command:

    # cd /etc/init.d/

  6. Stop the CIM Object Manager by typing the following command:

    # init.wbem -stop

  7. Restart the CIM Object Manager by typing the following command:

    # init.wbem -start