WBEMfor Solaris on Sun Developer's Guide

Chapter 9 Error Messages

This chapter discusses the error messages generated by components of Solaris WBEM Services and the Sun WBEM SDK. The following topics are covered.

How Error Messages are Generated

The CIM Object Manager generates initial error messages that are used by both the MOF Compiler and the CIM WorkShop. The MOF Compiler appends a line to the error message indicating where in a .mof file the error occurred.

Parts of Error Messages

Error messages are made up of the following parts:

Error Message Example

For example, the MOF Compiler may return the following error message:

REF_REQUIRED = Association class CIM_Docked needs
 at least two refs. Error in line 12.

For Developers: Error Message Templates

WBEM provides exception templates for all possible error messages in the ErrorMessages_en.properties file of the APIs. In an exception template that requires parameters, the first parameter is represented as {0} and the second parameter is represented as {1}.

The following exception template is used in the previous example:

REF_REQUIRED = Association class {0} needs at least two refs.

Finding Information About Error Messages

You can search for the unique identifier of an error message in the Javadoc reference pages to receive an explanation about the content of the error message.

The following section provides a detailed explanation of each error message. The error messages are organized by unique identifiers. For each error message, the following types of information are provided, when applicable:

Generated Error Messages

The following section lists and describes the error messages generated by the MOF Compiler, CIM Object Manager, and CIM WorkShop.


The ABSTRACT_INSTANCE error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the name of the abstract class.


ABSTRACT_INSTANCE = Abstract class ExampleClass cannot have instances.


Instances were programmed for the specified class. However, the specified class is an abstract class, and abstract classes cannot have instances.


Remove the programmed instances.


The CHECKSUM_ERROR error message uses no parameters.


CHECKSUM_ERROR = Checksum not valid.


The message could not be sent because it was damaged or corrupted. The damage could have occurred accidentally in transit or by a malicious third party.

Note -

This error message is displayed when the CIM Object Manager receives an invalid checksum. A checksum is the number of bits in a packet of data passed over the network. This number is used by the sender and the receiver of the information to ensure that the transmission is secure and that the data has not been corrupted or intentionally modified during transit.

An algorithm is run on the data before transmission, and the checksum is generated and included with the data to indicate the size of the data packet. When the message is received, the receiver can recompute the checksum and compare it to the sender's checksum. If the checksums match, the transmission was secure and the data was not corrupted or modified.


Resend the message using Solaris WBEM Services security features. For information about Solaris WBEM Services security, see Chapter 12, Administering Security.


The CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED error message does not use parameters.


CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED = Insufficient privileges.


This error message is displayed when a user does not have the appropriate privileges and permissions to complete an action.


See your CIM Object Manager administrator to request privileges to complete the operation.




This instance of the CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the name of the duplicate class.


CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS = Duplicate class CIMRack


The class you attempted to create uses the same name as an existing class.


In CIM WorkShop, search for existing classes to see the class names that are in use, then create the class using a unique class name.



This instance of the CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the name of the duplicate instance.


CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS = Duplicate instance SolarisRack


The instance for a class you attempted to create uses the same name as an existing instance.


In CIM WorkShop, search for existing instances to see the names that are in use, then create the instance using a unique name.



This instance of the CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the name of the duplicate namespace.


CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS = Duplicate namespace /root/CIMV2


The namespace you attempted to create uses the same name as an existing namespace.


In CIM WorkShop, search for existing namespaces to see the names that are in use, then create the namespace using a unique name.



This instance of the CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the name of the duplicate qualifier type.


CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS = Duplicate qualifier type Key


The qualifier type you attempted to create uses the same name as an existing qualifier type of the property it modifies.


In CIM WorkShop, search for qualifier types that exist for the property to see the names that are in use, then create the qualifier type using a unique name.



The CIM_ERR_FAILED error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by a character string, a message that explains the error condition and its possible cause.



CIM_ERR_FAILED=Invalid entry.



The CIM_ERR_FAILED error message is a generic message that can be displayed for a large number of different error conditions.


Because CIM_ERR_FAILED is a generic error message, many types of conditions can cause the message. The solution varies depending on the error condition.


The CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the name of the class that is missing a schema prefix.


CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER = Class System has no schema prefix.


A class was created without providing a schema prefix in front of the class name. The Common Information Model requires that all classes are provided with a schema prefix. For example, classes developed as part of the CIM Schema require a CIM prefix: CIM_Container. Classes developed as part of the Solaris Schema require a Solaris prefix: Solaris_System.


Provide the appropriate schema prefix for the class definition. Find all instances of the class missing the prefix and replace them with the class name and prefix.


The parameter CIM_ERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASS uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the specified subclass.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the class for which a specified subclass does not exist.


CIM_ERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASS = Superclass CIM_Chassis for class CIM_Container does not exist.


A class is specified to belong to a particular superclass, but the superclass does not exist. The specified superclass may be misspelled, or a non-existent superclass name may have been specified accidentally in place of the intended superclass name. Or, the superclass and the subclass may have been interpolated: the specified superclass actually may be a subclass of the specified subclass. In the previous example, CIM_Chassis is specified as the superclass of CIM_Container, but CIM_Chassis is a subclass of CIM_Container.


Check the spelling and the name of the superclass to ensure it is correct. Ensure that the superclass exists in the namespace.




This instance of the CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the name of the non-existent class.


CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND = Class Solaris_Device does not exist.


A class is specified, but it does not exist. The specified class may be misspelled, or a non-existent class name may have been specified accidentally in place of the intended class name.


Check the spelling and the name of the class to ensure that it is correct. Ensure that the class exists in the namespace.



This instance of the error message CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the specified instance

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the specified class


CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND = Instance Solaris_EnterpriseData does not exist for class Solaris_ComputerSystem.


The instance does not exist.


Create the instance.



This instance of the CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND error message uses one parameter, {0}, the name of the specified namespace.


CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND = Namespace verdant does not exist.


The specified namespace is not found. This error may occur if the name of the namespace was entered incorrectly due to a typing error or spelling mistake.


Retype the name of the namespace. Ensure that typing and spelling are correct.


The CLASS_REFERENCE error message uses two parameters.

  • {0} parameter is replaced by the name of the class that was defined to participate in a reference.

  • {1} parameter is replaced by the name of the reference.


CLASS_REFERENCE = Class SolarisExample1 must be declared as an association to have reference SolarisExample2


A property was defined for a class to indicate that the class has a reference. However, the class is not part of an association relationship. A class can only be defined to have a reference as a property if it participates in an association relationship with another class.


Create the association relationship, then set up the reference to the association as a property of this class.


The INVALID_CREDENTIAL error message does not use parameters.


INVALID_CREDENTIAL = Invalid credentials.


This error message is displayed when an invalid password has been entered.


If you receive this message from CIM WorkShop, delete the invalid password from the Password field of the CIM WorkShop authentication dialog box and type the password again. If this error message was received from the MOF Compiler, at the system prompt, log in again and type the correct password. Ensure that you spell the password correctly.


The INVALID_QUALIFIER_NAME error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the Managed Object Format notation that depicts an empty qualifier name.


INVALID_QUALIFIER_NAME = Invalid qualifier name " "


A qualifier was created for a property, but a qualifier name was not specified.


Include the qualifier name in the context of the qualifier definition.


The KEY_OVERRIDE error message uses two parameters:

  • {0} parameter is replaced by the name of the non-abstract class that is put in an override relationship with a class that has one or more Key qualifiers.

  • {1} parameter is replaced by the name of the concrete class that has the Key qualifier.


KEY_OVERRIDE = Non-key Qualifier SolarisCard cannot override key Qualifier SolarisLock.


A non-abstract class, referred to as a concrete class, is put into an override relationship with a concrete class that has one or more Key qualifiers. In CIM, all concrete classes require at least one Key qualifier, and a non-Key class cannot override a class that has a Key.


Create a Key qualifier for the non-Key class.


The KEY_REQUIRED error message uses one parameter, {0} which is replaced by the name of the class that requires a key.


KEY_REQUIRED = Concrete (non-abstract) class ClassName needs at least one key.


A Key qualifier was not provided for a concrete class. In CIM, all non-abstract classes, referred to as concrete classes, require at least one Key qualifier.


Create a Key qualifier for the class.


The METHOD_OVERRIDDEN command uses three parameters:

  • {0} replaced by the name of the method that is trying to override the method represented by parameter {1}.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the method that has already been overridden by the method represented by parameter {2}.

  • {2} is replaced by the name of the method that has overridden parameter {1}.


METHOD_OVERRIDDEN = Method Resume () cannot override Stop() which is already overridden by Start()


A method is specified to override another method that has already been overridden by a third method. Once a method has been overridden, it cannot be overridden again.


Specify a different method to override.


The NEW KEY error message uses two parameters.

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the key.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the class that is trying to define a new key.


NEW_KEY = Class CIM_PhysicalPackage cannot define new key [Key]


A class is trying to define a new key when keys already have been defined in a superclass. Once keys have been defined in a superclass, new keys cannot be introduced into the subclasses.


No action can be taken.


The NO_CIMOM error message uses one parameter, {0} which is replaced by the name of the host that is expected to be running the CIM Object Manager.


NO_CIMOM = CIMOM molly not detected.


The CIM Object Manager is not running on the specified host.


Ensure that the CIM Object Manager is running on the host to which you are trying to connect. If the CM Object Manager is not running on that host, connect to a host running the CIM Object Manager.


The NO_INSTANCE_PROVIDER error message uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the class for which the instance provider cannot be found.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the instance provider class that was specified.


NO_INSTANCE_PROVIDER = Instance provider RPC_prop for class RPC_Agent not found.


The Java class of the specified instance provider is not found. This error message indicates that the class path of the CIM Object Manager does not contain one or more of the following:

  • Name of the provider class

  • Parameters of the provider class

  • CIM class for which the provider is defined


Set the CIM Object Manager environment variable.


The NO_METHOD_PROVIDER error message uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the class for which the method provider cannot be found.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the method provider class that was specified.


NO_METHOD_PROVIDER = Method provider Start_prop for class RPC_Agent not found.


The Java class of the specified method provider is not found. This error message indicates that the class path of the CIM Object Manager does not contain one or more of the following:

  • Name of the provider class

  • Parameters of the provider class

  • CIM class for which the provider is defined


Set the CIM Object Manager class path.


The error message NO_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the method that has overridden the method represented by {1}.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the method that has been overridden.


NO_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD = Method Write overridden by Read does not exist in class hierarchy.


The method of a subclass is trying to override the method of the superclass, but the method of the superclass already has been overridden by a method that belongs to another subclass. The overridden method that you are trying to override does not exist in the class hierarchy because it has never been defined.

When you override a method, you override its implementation and its signature.


Ensure that the method exists in the superclass.


The NO_OVERRIDDEN_PROPERTY error message uses two parameters.

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the property that has overridden {1}.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the overriding property.


NO_OVERRIDDEN_PROPERTY = Property A overridden by B does not exist in class hierarchy.


The property of a subclass is trying to override the property of the superclass, but it doesn't succeed because the property of the superclass already has been overridden. The property that you are trying to override does not exist in the class hierarchy.


Ensure that the property exists in the superclass.


The NO_PROPERTY_PROVIDER error message uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the class for which the property provider cannot be found.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the property provider class that was specified.


NO_PROPERTY_PROVIDER = Property provider Write_prop for class RPC_Agent not found.


The Java class of the specified property provider is not found. This error message indicates that the class path of the CIM Object Manager does not contain one or more of the following:

  • Name of the provider class

  • Parameters of the provider class

  • CIM class for which the provider is defined


Set the CIM Object Manager class path.


The NO_QUALIFIER_VALUE error message uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the qualifier that modifies the element {1}

  • {1} is the element to which the qualifier refers. Depending on the qualifier, {1} can be a class, property, method, or reference.


NO_QUALIFIER_VALUE = Qualifier [SOURCE] for Solaris_ComputerSystem has no value.


A qualifier was specified for a property or method, but values were not included for the qualifier. For example, the qualifier VALUES requires a string array to be specified. If the VALUES qualifier is specified without the required string array, the NO_QUALIFIER_VALUE error message is displayed.


Specify the required parameters for the qualifier. For information about what attributes are required for which qualifiers, see the CIM Specification by the Distributed Management Task Force at the following URL: http://dmtf.org/spec/cims.html.


The NO_SUCH_METHOD error message uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the specified method

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the specified class


NO_SUCH_METHOD = Method Configure() does not exist in class Solaris_ComputerSystem


Most likely, the method was not defined for the specified class. If the method is defined for the specified class, another method name may have been mispelled or typed differently in the definition.


Define the method as an operation for the specified class. Otherwise, ensure that the method name and class name were typed correctly.


The NO_SUCH_PRINCIPAL error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the name of the principal, a user account.


NO_SUCH_PRINCIPAL = Principal molly not found.


The specified user account cannot be found. The user name may have been mistyped upon login, or a user account has not been set up for the user.


Ensure that the user name is spelled and typed correctly upon login. Ensure that a user account has been set up for the user.


The NO_SUCH_QUALIFIER1 error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the name of the undefined qualifier.


NO_SUCH_QUALIFIER1 = Qualifier [LOCAL] not found.


A new qualifier was specified, but was not defined as part of the extension schema. The qualifier is required to be defined as part of the CIM Schema or an extension schema to be recognized as a valid qualifier for a property or method of a particular class.


Define the qualifier as part of the extension schema or use a standard CIM qualifier. For information about standard CIM qualifiers and the usage of qualifiers in the CIM schema, see the CIM Specification by the Distributed Management Task Force at the following URL: http://www.dmtf.org/spec/cims.html.


The NO_SUCH_QUALIFIER2 error message uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the class, property, or method that the qualifier modifies.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the qualifier that cannot be found.


NO_SUCH_QUALIFIER2 = Qualifier [LOCAL] not found for CIM_LogicalElement


A new qualifier was specified to modify a property or method of a particular class. The qualifier was not defined as part of the extension schema. The qualifier is required to be defined as part of the CIM schema or an extension schema to be recognized as a valid qualifier for a property or method of a particular class.


Define the qualifier as part of the extension schema or use a standard CIM qualifier. For information about standard CIM qualifiers and the usage of qualifiers in the CIM schema, see the CIM Specification by the Distributed Management Task Force at the URL, http://www.dmtf.org/spec/cims.html .


The error message NO_SUCH_SESSION uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the session identifier.


NO_SUCH_SESSION = No such session 4002.


This message is displayed when a session has been infringed upon by an intruder. The CIM Object Manager removes the session when it detects that someone is trying to maliciously change data. For information about Solaris WBEM Services security features, see Chapter 12, Administering Security.


Ensure that your CIM environment is secure.


The NOT_HELLO error message uses no parameters.


NOT_HELLO = Not a Hello message.


This error message is displayed if the data in the hello message--the first message sent to the CIM Object Manager--is corrupted, indicating a security breach.


No action is available in response to this error message. For information about Solaris WBEM Services security features, see Chapter 12, Administering Security.


The NOT_INSTANCE_PROVIDER error message uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the instance for which the InstanceProvider interface is being defined.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the Java provider class that does not implement the InstanceProvider interface. The InstanceProvider interface must be implemented to enumerate all instances of the specified class.


NOT_INSTANCE_PROVIDER = device_prop_provider for class Solaris_Provider does not implement InstanceProvider.


The path to the Java provider class specified by the CLASSPATH environment variable does not implement the InstanceProvider interface.


Ensure that the Java provider class present in the class path implements the InstanceProvider interface. Use the following command when you declare the provider: public Solaris implements InstanceProvider. For information about how to implement Solaris WBEM Services providers, see Chapter 7, Writing a Provider Program.


The NOT_METHOD_PROVIDER error message uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the method for which the MethodProvider interface is being defined. The MethodProvider causes a specified method to be implemented in a program and enacted.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the Java provider class that does not implement the MethodProvider interface.


NOT_METHOD_PROVIDER = Provider device_method_provider for class Solaris_Provider does not implement MethodProvider.


The Java provider class present in the class path does not implement the MethodProvider interface.


Ensure that the Java provider class present in the class path implements the MethodProvider interface. Use the following command when you declare the provider: public Solaris implements MethodProvider. For information about how to implement Solaris WBEM Services providers, see Chapter 7, Writing a Provider Program.


The NOT_PROPERTY_PROVIDER error message uses two parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the method for which the PropertyProvider interface is being defined. The PropertyProvider interface is required to retrieve the values of the specified property.

  • {1}is replaced by the name of the Java provider class that does not implement the PropertyProvider interface.


NOT_PROPERTY_PROVIDER = Provider device_property_provider for class Solaris_Provider does not implement PropertyProvider.


The Java provider class present in the class path does not implement the PropertyProvider interface.


Ensure that the Java provider class present in the class path implements the PropertyProvider interface. Use the following command when you declare the provider: public Solaris implements PropertyProvider. For information about how to implement Solaris WBEM Services providers, see Chapter 7, Writing a Provider Program.


The NOT_RESPONSE error message uses no parameters.


NOT_RESPONSE = Not a response message.


This error message is displayed when the data in a first response message from the CIM Object Manager is corrupted, indicating a security breach.


No action is available in response to this error message. For information about Solaris WBEM Services security features, see Chapter 12, Administering Security.


The PROPERTY_OVERRIDDEN error message uses three parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the property that is trying to override the property represented by parameter {1}.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the property that already has been overridden.

  • {2} is replaced by the name of the property that has overridden the property represented by parameter {1}.


PROPERTY_OVERRIDDEN = Property Volume cannot override MaxCapacity which is already overridden by RawCapacity


A property is specified to override another method that has already been overridden by a third method. Once a property has been overridden, it cannot be overridden again.


Specify a different property to override.


The PS_CONFIG error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by a description of the details that cause the error to occur. The description varies depending on the type of database used for the repository and the type of situation that causes the error message.

PS_CONFIG = The persistent store configuration is incorrect or has not been completed. You may need to run the wbemconfig script.


Solaris WBEM Services requires the wbemconfig script to be run after installation. The wbemconfig script configures the persistent store and compiles the MOF files that provide the CIM and Solaris Schema classes. If the wbemconfig script was not run after the Solaris WBEM Services installation, this error message occurs. If the repository was configured after installation and this error message occurs, the database configuration may have become corrupted.


Run the wbemconfig script. For information about the wbemconfig script, see "Configuring After Installing in Solaris 7" in the chapter Chapter 10, Installing Solaris WBEM Services.


The PS_UNAVAILABLE error message uses one parameter {0}, which is replaced by a message that describes why the persistent store became unavailable.


PS_UNAVAILABLE = The persistent store is unavailable. The exception thrown by the repository is 'segmentation fault.'


This error message is displayed when the CIM Repository is unavailable. This situation could occur if the host on which the CIM Repository resides is brought down temporarily for maintenance, or if the host on which the CIM Repository resides becomes damaged and the repository is taken down and then restored on another host.


If you receive this message while working in the CIM WorkShop, click the icon that causes the CIM WorkShop authentication dialog box to display. Then, in the Host field, type the name of another host that is running the CIM Repository and the CIM Object Manager. Type the namespace in the Namespace field, your user name and password, and log in. If you receive this message when running the MOF Compiler, type the following command to point to another host running the CIM Repository and CIM Object Manager: mofcomp -c hostname where mofcomp is the command to start the MOF Compiler, -c is the parameter that enables you to specify a host computer running the CIM Object Manager, and hostname is the name of the specified computer.


The QUALIFIER_UNOVERRIDABLE error message uses two parameters:

  • {0} parameter is replaced by the name of the qualifier that is set with the DisableOverride flavor.

  • {1} parameter is replaced by the name of the qualifier that is set to be disabled by {0}.


QUALIFIER_UNOVERRIDABLE = Test cannot override qualifier Standard because it has DisableOverride flavor.


The ability of the specified qualifier to override another qualifier is disabled because the flavor of the specified qualifier has been set to DisableOverride or Override=False.


Reset the ability of the qualifier to EnableOverride or to Override=True.


The REF_REQUIRED error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the name of the class specified to participate in an association relationship.


REF_REQUIRED = Association class CIM_Chassis needs at least two refs.


A class was set up to participate in an association, but no references were cited. The rules of the Common Information Model specify that an association must contain two or more references.


Set up the references to the class, then set up the association.


The SCOPE_ERROR command uses three parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the class the specified qualifier modifies.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the specified qualifier.

  • {2} is replaced by the type of attribute that the qualifier modifies.


SCOPE_ERROR = Qualifier [UNITS] for CIM_Container does not have a Property scope.


A qualifier was specified in a manner that conflicts with the requirements of the CIM Specification. For example, the [READ] qualifier is defined in the CIM Specification to modify a Property. The scope of the [READ] qualifier is the definition that directs the [READ] qualifier to modify a Property. If the [READ] qualifier is used in a manner other than the direction of its scope--for example, if the [READ] qualifier is specified to modify a Method--the SCOPE_ERROR message is returned.

Note -

The CIM Specification defines the types of CIM elements that a CIM qualifier can modify. This definition of the way in which a qualifier can be used is referred to as its scope. Most qualifiers, by definition, have a scope that directs them to modify properties or methods or both. Many qualifiers have a scope that directs them to modify parameters, classes, associations, indications, or schemas.


Confirm the scope of the specified qualifier. Refer to the section, "1.Qualifiers" of the CIM Specification by the Distributed Management Task Force at the following URL:http://www.dmtf.org/spec/cim_spec_v20 for the standard definitions of CIM qualifiers. Use a different qualifier for the results you want to achieve, or change your program to use the qualifier according to its CIM definition.


The SIGNATURE_ERROR error message uses no parameters.


SIGNATURE_ERROR = Signature not verified


This message is displayed when a message is corrupted either accidentally or maliciously. It differs from the checksum error in that the message has a valid checksum, but the signature cannot be verified by the public key of the client. This protection ensures that even though the session key has been compromised, only the initial client which created the session is authenticated.


No action is provided for this message, which is displayed when a session has been infringed upon by an intruder. For information about Solaris WBEM Services security features, see Chapter 12, Administering Security.


The TYPE_ERROR error message uses five parameters:

  • {0} is replaced by the name of the specified element, such as a property, method, or qualifier.

  • {1} is replaced by the name of the class to which the specified element belongs.

  • {2} is replaced by the type defined for the element.

  • {3} is replaced by the type of value assigned.

  • {4} is replaced by the actual value assigned.


TYPE_ERROR = Cannot convert sint16 4 to a string for VolumeLabel in class Solaris_DiskPartition


The value of a property or method parameter and its defined type are mismatched.


Match the value of the property or method with its defined type.


The UNKNOWNHOST error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the name of the host.


UNKNOWNHOST = Unknown host molly


A call was made to a specified host. The specified host is unavailable or cannot be located. It is possible that the host name was spelled incorrectly. It is also possible that the host computer was moved to a different domain or that the host name has not been registered in the list of hosts that belong to the domain. The host may be temporarily unavailable due to system conditions.


Check the spelling of the host name. Ensure that no typing errors were made. Use the ping command to ensure that the host computer is responding. Check the system conditions of the host. Ensure that the host belongs to the specified domain.


The VER_ERROR error message uses one parameter, {0}, which is replaced by the version number of the running CIM Object Manager.


VER_ERROR = Unsupported version 0.


The upgraded version of Solaris WBEM Services does not support the current CIM Object Manager.


Install the supported version.