WBEMfor Solaris on Sun Developer's Guide

Client Example Files

The following table describes the example client program files and lists the commands and arguments to run each example.

Table 8-1 Client Example Files

Example File Name 


Command to Run 


Connects to the CIM Object Manager as the specified user and creates a namespace on the specified host. You must specify the user name and password of the administrative account for the CIM Object Manager Repository. 

java CreateNameSpace host parentNS childNS username password


Deletes the specified namespace on the specified host. You must specify the user name and password of the administrative account for the CIM Object Manager Repository. 

java DeleteNameSpace host parentNS childNS username password


Enumerates classes and instances in the specified class in the default namespace /root/cimv2 on the specified host.

java ClientEnum host className


Creates a log record on the specified host. You must specify the user name and password of the administrative account for the CIM Object Manager Repository.. 

java CreateLog host username password


Reads a log record on the specified host. You must specify the user name and password of the administrative account for the CIM Object Manager Repository.. 

java ReadLog host username password


Deletes the specified class in the default namespace /root/cimv2 on the specified host. You must specify the user name and password of the administrative account for the CIM Object Manager Repository.

java DeleteClass host className username password



Deletes instances of the specified class in the default namespace /root/cimv2 on the specified host. You must specify the user name and password of the administrative account for the CIM Object Manager Repository.

java DeleteInstances host className username password


Displays Solaris processor and system information for the specified host in a window. 

java SystemInfo host