Solaris Easy Access Server 3.0 Installation Guide

Appendix A Available SEAS Packages

This appendix contains a list of the packages that make up the Solaris Easy Access Server 3.0 products.

If you are not familiar with adding packages from the command line, you should use the Solaris Web Start method of installation as described in "Installing SEAS with the Installation Wizard". Many SEAS 3.0 products require packages from other products, and some products depend on the presence of another product. See Table B-1 in Appendix B. Before beginning a pkgadd installation, read the documentation for each product you plan to install and make sure you understand the product dependencies. Selecting only certain packages from the SEAS products may cause some programs not to work.

The installation instructions contained in each product's documentation were written for standalone installation, not as part of SEAS. When installing SEAS 3.0 using the pkgadd command, use the directory path for the SEAS CD, not the directory information given in the individual product installation instructions.

On the SEAS 3.0 documentation CD, some products provide a combination of AnswerBook, HTML and PostScript document files. If there is a conflict between the AnswerBook2 documentation and the HTML or PostScript documentation, the AnswerBook2 documentation is more recent and contains the correct information. In the same way, the SEAS 3.0 Installation Guide is more recent and supersedes all HTML and PostScript documentation.

Installing SEAS Products Using pkgadd

For instructions on using the pkgadd command, see the Solaris 7 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Library or Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Library.

Packages Available With SEAS 3.0 Products

Table A-1 lists the packages that are part of each product except for AnswerBook2 products, which are shown in Table 4-1. The AnswerBook2 server and the AnswerBook online documentation are on the Solaris Easy Access Server 3.0 Documentation CD.

Table A-1 Product Packages
 Product Packages Available
 PC NetLink 1.1 (also referred to as SunLink Server)SUNWuiu8 SUNWlznb SUNWlzs SUNWlzcl SUNWlzm SUNWlzsr SUNWlzst SUNWlzd SUNWlzac SUNWlzas SUNWlzag
 Solstice AdminSuite 3.0SUNWseamj SUNWseams
 WBEM/CIM SDK 1.0SUNWwbsdk SUNWwbapi SUNWwbcor SUNWwbdoc
 Solaris Print Manager 1.0SUNWppm
 Sun Directory Services 3.2SUNWlicsw SUNWlit SUNWsds SUNWsdsc
 Sun Enterprise Authentication Manager 1.0SUNWkr5mn SUNWkrggl SUNkrgdo SUNWkr5d SUNWkr5sv SUNWkr5ad Solaris 2.6 only: SUNWgss SUNWgssk SUNWrsg SUNWrsgk
 Sun WebServer 2.1SUNWfns SUNWhtadm SUNWhtsv1 SUNWhttp SUNWhttpc SUNWski SUNWskica SUNWskicw SUNWskild Only on domestic CD: SUNWskimc SUNWskimu SUNWssl Only on global CD: SUNWssld Only on domestic CD SUNWhtdoc SUNWhtman SUNWixavm SUNWixklg
 JDK 1.1.7SUNWjvrt SUNWjvdev SUNWjvjit
 Solstice Internet Mail Server 2.0SUNWimap SUNWipop
 Solstice DiskSuite 4.2SUNWabmd SUNWmd SUNWmdg SUNWmdn
 Solstice PPP 3.0.1SUNWpppk SUNWpppm SUNWpppr SUNWppps SUNWpppu
 Solaris Management Console 1.0SUNWmc SUNWmcman SUNWmcapp SUNWmcc SUNWmcsws SUNWmcwz The SMC depends on SUNWhtsv1 and SUNWhttp
 Sun Web Start 2.0.2SUNWws
 Netscape Communicator 4.5 Standard EditionNSCPcom