Solaris Easy Access Server 3.0 Print Manager Administration Guide

Using Mnemonics

Mnemonics provide keyboard alternatives to the mouse for displaying Solaris Print Manager menus or choosing commands. A mnemonic is an underlined letter in a menu title, menu item, or command button. It reminds you how to activate the equivalent command by simultaneously pressing the Alt key and the character key that corresponds to the underlined letter. Once you have displayed a menu with a keyboard sequence, the subsequent letter you press is unique to that menu.

For example, to display the Printer menu and use the Add Access to Printer menu, press the Alt and P keys simultaneously, then press the A key to choose the Add Access to Printer menu. Press the Alt and H keys to display the Help menu.

There are also mnemonics for controls within Solaris Print Manager dialog boxes such as the Select Naming Service menu. Buttons have mnemonics indicated on their labels. Once you have moved keyboard focus into the dialog box, you may simply press a button's mnemonic to activate it.