Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

3.3 Changing the Private Network Interfaces

The private network interfaces of the nodes in the cluster can be changed using the scconf(1M) command. Refer to the scconf(1M) man page for additional information.

3.3.1 How to Change the Private Network Interfaces

Use the scconf(1M) command for all nodes in the cluster.

For example:

# scconf planets -i mercury scid0 scid1
# scconf planets -i venus   scid0 scid1
# scconf planets -i pluto   scid0 scid1
# scconf planets -i jupiter scid0 scid1

After running these commands, all four nodes mercury, venus, pluto, and jupiter use interfaces scid0 and scid1.

Caution - Caution -

While the cluster is up, you should not use the ifconfig(1M) command. This action causes unpredictable behavior on a running system.