Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

D.5 Changing the snmpd.conf File

The snmpd.conf file is used for configuration information. Each entry in the file consists of a keyword followed by a parameter string. The default values in the file should suit your needs.

D.5.1 How to Change the snmpd.conf File

  1. Edit the snmpd.conf file.

    For details on the descriptions of the keywords, refer to the snmpd(7) man page.

  2. After making any changes to the snmpd.conf file, stop the smond and snmpd programs, then restart the scripts by entering:

    # /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/smond_ctl stop
    # /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/init.snmpd stop
    # /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/init.snmpd start
    # /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/smond_ctl start

    An example snmpd.conf file follows.

    sysdescr        Sun SNMP Agent, SPARCstation 10, Company
                                  Property Number 123456
     syscontact 	Coby Phelps
     sysLocation 	Room 123
     system-group-read-community     public
     system-group-write-community    private
     read-community  all_public
     write-community all_private
     trap            localhost
     trap-community  SNMP-trap
     #kernel-file    /vmunix
     managers        lvs golden