Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

11.6.3 How to Add a SPARCstorage Array Disk (SSVM or CVM)

These are the high-level steps to add a multihost disk to an SSVM or CVM configuration:

These are the detailed steps to add a new multihost disk to an SSVM configuration.

  1. Switch ownership of the logical host that will include the new disk to another node in the cluster.

    Switch over any logical hosts with disks in the tray you are removing.

    phys-hahost1# haswitch phys-hahost1 hahost1 hahost2

    Note -

    In a mirrored configuration, you may not need to switch logical hosts as long as the node is not shut down.

  2. Determine the controller number of the tray to which the disk will be added.

    SPARCstorage Arrays are assigned World Wide Names (WWN). The WWN on the front of the SPARCstorage Array also appears as part of the /devices entry, which is linked by pointer to the /dev entry containing the controller number. For example:

    phys-hahost1# ls -l /dev/rdsk | grep -i WWN | tail -1

    If the WWN on the front of the SPARCstorage Array is 36cc, the following output will display and the controller number would be c2:

    phys-hahost1# ls -l /dev/rdsk | grep -i 36cc | tail -1
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root   root       94 Jun 25 22:39 c2t5d2s7 ->
  3. Use the luxadm(1M) command with the display option to view the empty slots.

    If you can add the disk without affecting other drives, skip to Step 11.

    phys-hahost1# luxadm display c2
                          SPARCstorage Array Configuration
                               DEVICE STATUS
           TRAY 1                 TRAY 2                 TRAY 3
     1     Drive: 0,0             Drive: 2,0             Drive: 4,0
     2     Drive: 0,1             Drive: 2,1             Drive: 4,1
     3     NO SELECT              NO SELECT              NO SELECT
     4     NO SELECT              NO SELECT              NO SELECT
     5     NO SELECT              NO SELECT              NO SELECT
     6     Drive: 1,0             Drive: 3,0             Drive: 5,0
     7     Drive: 1,1             NO SELECT              NO SELECT
     8     NO SELECT              NO SELECT              NO SELECT
     9     NO SELECT              NO SELECT              NO SELECT
     10    NO SELECT              NO SELECT              NO SELECT

    The empty slots are shown with a NO SELECT status. The output shown here is from a SPARCstorage Array 110; your display will be slightly different if you are using a different series SPARCstorage Array.

    Determine the tray to which you will add the new disk.

    In the remainder of the procedure, Tray 2 is used as an example. The slot selected for the new disk is Tray 2 Slot 7. The new disk will be known as c2t3d1.

  4. Identify all the volumes and corresponding plexes on the disks in the tray which will contain the new disk.

    1. From the physical device address cNtNdN, obtain the controller number and the target number.

      In this example, the controller number is 2 and the target is 3.

    2. Identify devices from a vxdisk list output.

      Here is an example of how vxdisk can be used to obtain the information.

      # vxdisk -g diskgroup -q list | nawk '/^c2/ {print $3}'

      Record the volume media name for the disks from the output of the command.

    3. Identify all plexes on the above devices by using the appropriate version (csh, ksh, or Bourne shell) of the following command.

      PLLIST=`vxprint -ptq -g diskgroup -e '(aslist.sd_dm_name in ("c2t3d0")) &&
       (pl_kstate=ENABLED)' | nawk '{print $2}'`

      For csh, the syntax is set PLLIST .... For ksh, the syntax is export PLLIST= .... The Bourne shell requires the command export PLLIST after the variable is set.

  5. After you have set the variable, stop I/O to the volumes whose components (subdisks) are on the tray.

    Make sure all volumes associated with that tray are detached (mirrored or RAID5 configurations) or stopped (simple plexes). Issue the following command to detach a mirrored plex.

    # vxplex -g diskgroup det ${PLLIST}

    An alternate command for detaching each plex in a tray is:

    # vxplex -g diskgroup -v volume det plex

    To stop I/O to simple plexes, unmount any file systems or stop database access.

    Note -

    Mirrored volumes will still be active because the other half of the mirror is still available.

  6. Add the new disk.

    Use the instructions in your multihost disk expansion unit service manual to perform the hardware procedure of adding the disk.

  7. Make sure all disks in the tray spin up.

    The disks in the SPARCstorage Array tray should spin up automatically, but if the tray fails to spin up within two minutes, force the action with the following command:

    phys-hahost1# luxadm start -t 2 c2
  8. Run the drvconfig(1M) and disks(1M) commands to create the new entries in /devices, /dev/dsk, and /dev/rdsk for all new disks.

    phys-hahost1# drvconfig
    phys-hahost1# disks
  9. Force the SSVM vxconfigd driver to scan for new disks.

    phys-hahost1# vxdctl enable
  10. Bring the new disk under VM control by using the vxdiskadd command.

  11. Perform the usual administration actions on the new disk.

    You can now perform the usual administration steps that bring a new drive into service. These include partitioning the disk, adding it to the configuration as a hot spare, or configuring it as a plex.

    This completes the procedure of adding a multihost disk to an existing SPARCstorage Array.