Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

4.11.3 How to Restore the CCD

Run ccdadm(1M) with the -r option whenever the CCD has been corrupted. This option discards the current copy of the Dynamic CCD and restores it with the contents of the restore file you supply. Use this command to initialize or restore the Dynamic CCD after the ccdd(1M) reconfiguration algorithm failed to elect a valid CCD copy upon cluster restart. The CCD is then marked valid.

  1. If necessary, disable the quorum.

    See "4.11.4 How to Enable or Disable the CCD Quorum" for more information.

    # ccdadm clustername -q off
  2. Put the logical hosts in maintenance mode.

    # haswitch -m logicalhosts
  3. Restore the CCD.

    In this command, restore-filename is the name of the file you are restoring.

    # ccdadm clustername -r restore-filename
  4. If necessary, turn the CCD quorum back on.

    # ccdadm clustername -q on
  5. Bring the logical hosts back online.

    For example:

    # haswitch phys-host1 logicalhost1
     # haswitch phys-host2 logicalhost2