Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

6.1.3 Updates to nsswitch.conf

When configuring PNM with a backup network adapter, the /etc/nsswitch.conf file should have one of the following entries for the netmasks entry.

Table 6-1 Name Service Entry Choices for the /etc/nsswitch.conf File

Name Service Used 

netmasks Entry


netmasks: files


netmasks: files [NOTFOUND=return] nis


netmasks: files [NOTFOUND=return] nisplus

The above settings will ensure that the netmasks setting will not be looked up in an NIS/NIS+ lookup table. This is important if the adapter that has failed is the primary public network and thus would not be available to provide the requested information. If the netmasks entry is not set in the prescribed manner, failover to the backup adapter will not succeed.

Caution - Caution -

The preceding changes have the effect of using the local files (/etc/netmasks and /etc/groups) for lookup tables. The NIS/NIS+ services will only be used when the local files are unavailable. Therefore, these files must be kept up-to-date with their NIS/NIS+ versions. Failure to update them makes the expected values in these files inaccessible on the cluster nodes.