Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

9.4.1 How to Add Mediator Hosts

Use this procedure after you have installed and configured Solstice DiskSuite.

  1. Start the cluster software on all nodes.

    On the first node:

    # scadmin startcluster

    On all remaining nodes:

    # scadmin startnode
  2. Determine the name of the private link for each node.

    Use grep(1) to identify the private link included in the clustername.cdb file.

    host1# grep "^cluster.node.0.hostname" \
    cluster.node.0.hostname : host0
     host1# grep "cluster.node.0.hahost" \
     /etc/opt/SUNWcluster/conf/clustername.cdb | grep 204
     host1# grep "^cluster.node.1.hostname" \
     cluster.node.1.hostname : host1
     host1# grep "cluster.node.1.hahost" \
     /etc/opt/SUNWcluster/conf/clustername.cdb | grep 204

    In this example, is the private link for host0 and is the private link for host1.

  3. Configure mediators using the metaset(1M) command.

    Add each host with connectivity to the diskset as a mediator for that diskset. Run each command on the host currently mastering the diskset. You can use the hastat(1M) command to determine the current master of the diskset. The information returned by hastat(1M) for the logical host identifies the diskset master.

    host1# metaset -s disksetA -a -m host0,
    host1# metaset -s disksetA -a -m host1,
    host1# metaset -s disksetB -a -m host0,
    host1# metaset -s disksetB -a -m host1,
    host1# metaset -s disksetC -a -m host0,
    host1# metaset -s disksetC -a -m host1,

    The metaset(1M) command treats the private link as an alias.