Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

B.2.16.1 Creating an File

The /etc/opt/SUNWmd/ file can be used by the metainit(1M) command to configure metadevices and hot spare pools in a batch-like mode. Solstice DiskSuite does not store configuration information in the file. The only way information appears in the is through editing it by hand.

When using the file, each metadevice or hot spare pool in the file must have a unique entry. Entries can include simple metadevices (stripes, concatenations, and concatenations of stripes); mirrors, trans metadevices, and RAID5 metadevices; and hot spare pools.

Note -

Because only contains entries that are manually included in it, you should not rely on the file for the current configuration of metadevices, hot spare pools, and replicas on the system at any given time.

Tabs, spaces, comments (preceded by a pound sign, #), and continuation of lines (preceded by a backslash-newline), are allowed.