Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

B.2.12 How to Create a Diskset

Perform this procedure for each diskset in the cluster. All nodes in the cluster must be up. Creating a diskset involves assigning hosts and disk drives to the diskset.

  1. Make sure the local metadevice state database replicas exist.

    If necessary, refer to the procedure "B.2.9 How to Create Local Metadevice State Database Replicas".

  2. As root, create the disksets by running the metaset(1M) command from one of the cluster nodes.

    For example, this command creates two disksets, hahost1 and hahost2, consisting of nodes phys-hahost1 and phys-hahost2.

    phys-hahost1# metaset -s hahost1 -a -h phys-hahost1 phys-hahost2
    phys-hahost1# metaset -s hahost2 -a -h phys-hahost1 phys-hahost2
  3. Check the status of the new disksets by running the metaset(1M) command.

    phys-hahost1# metaset

    You are now ready to add drives to the diskset, as explained in the procedure "B.2.13 How to Add Drives to a Diskset".