Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

12.1.1 How to Install DNS

Refer to DNS documentation by using your AnswerBook software for how to set up DNS. The differences in a Sun Cluster configuration are:

  1. Decide which logical host is to provide DNS service.

  2. Choose a location on the logical host for the DNS database.

    Place the named.boot file and the rest of the files constituting the database here. For example, /logicalhost/dns.

  3. In the /etc/resolv.conf file on all Sun Cluster servers that will be running Sun Cluster HA for DNS, specify the IP address of the logical host providing DNS service.

  4. In the /etc/nsswitch.conf file, add the string dns after files.

    Make sure the logical host name for the HA-DNS server is present in the /etc/inet/hosts file on all cluster nodes.

  5. Test DNS outside the Sun Cluster environment.

    For example:

    # cd /<logicalhost>/dns
    /usr/sbin/in.named -b /<logicalhost>/dns/named.boot
     # nslookup <physicalhost>

    Once you have installed and set up DNS, configure, register, and start Sun Cluster HA for DNS as described in "12.2 Installing and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for DNS".