Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide Private Network Connections

Sun Cluster requires two private networks for normal operation. You must decide whether to use 100 Mbit/sec Ethernet or 1 Gbit/sec Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI) connections for the private networks.

In two-node configurations, these networks may be implemented with point-to-point cables between the cluster nodes. In three- or four-node configurations, they are implemented using hubs or switches. Only private traffic between Sun Cluster nodes is transported on these networks.

If you connect nodes by using SCI switches, each node must be connected to the same port number on both switches. During the installation, note that the port numbers on the switches correspond to node numbers. For example, node 0 is the host physically connect to port 0 on the switch, and so on.

A class C network number (204.152.64) is reserved for private network use by the Sun Cluster nodes. The same network number is used by all Sun Cluster systems.