Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

3.2.1 How to Prepare the Administrative Workstation and Install the Client Software

After you have installed and configured the hardware, terminal concentrator, and administrative workstation, use this procedure to prepare for Sun Cluster 2.2 Installation. See Chapter 2, Planning the Configuration, and complete the installation worksheets in Appendix A, Configuration Worksheets and Examples, before beginning this procedure.

Note -

Use of an administrative workstation is not required. If you do not use an administrative workstation, perform the administrative tasks from one designated node in the cluster.

These are the high-level steps to prepare the administrative workstation and install the client software:

These are the detailed steps to prepare the administrative workstation and install the client software.

  1. Install the Solaris 2.6 or Solaris 7 operating environment on the administrative workstation.

    All platforms except the E10000 require at least the Entire Distribution Solaris installation, for both the Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 7 operating environments. E10000 systems require the Entire Distribution + OEM.

    You can use the following command to verify the distribution loaded:

    # cat /var/sadm/system/admin/CLUSTER

    For details, see "2.2.4 Planning Your Solaris Operating Environment Installation", and the Solaris Advanced System Administration Guide.

    Caution - Caution -

    If you install anything less than the Entire Distribution Solaris software set on all nodes, plus the OEM packages for E10000 platforms, your cluster might not be supported by Sun.

  2. Install Solaris patches.

    Check the patch database or contact your local service provider for any hardware or software patches required to run the Solaris operating environment, Sun Cluster 2.2, or your volume management software.

    Install the patches by following the instructions in the README file accompanying each patch. Reboot the workstation if specified in the patch instructions.

  3. For convenience, add the tools directory /opt/SUNWcluster/bin to the PATH on the administrative workstation.

  4. Load the Sun Cluster 2.2 CD-ROM on the administrative workstation.

  5. Use scinstall(1M) to install the client packages on the administrative workstation.

    1. As root, invoke scinstall(1M).

      # cd /cdrom/suncluster_sc_2_2/Sun_Cluster_2_2/Sol_2.x/Tools
      # ./scinstall
       Installing: SUNWscins
       Installation of <SUNWscins> was successful.
       			Checking on installed package state
       None of the Sun Cluster software has been installed
       			<<Press return to continue>>
    2. Select the client package set.

      ==== Install/Upgrade Framework Selection Menu =====================
       Upgrade to the latest Sun Cluster Server packages or select package 
      sets for installation. The list of package sets depends on the Sun 
      Cluster packages that are currently installed.
       Choose one:
       1) Upgrade            	Upgrade to Sun Cluster 2.2 Server packages
       2) Server             	Install the Sun Cluster packages needed on a server
       3) Client             	Install the admin tools needed on an admin workstation
       4) Server and Client  	Install both Client and Server packages
       5) Close              	Exit this Menu
       6) Quit               	Quit the Program
       Enter the number of the package set [6]:  3
    3. Choose an install path for the client packages.

      Normally the default location is acceptable.

      What is the path to the CD-ROM image [/cdrom/cdrom0]: /cdrom/suncluster_sc_2_2
    4. Install the client packages.

      Specify automatic installation.

      Installing Client packages
       Installing the following packages: SUNWscch SUNWccon SUNWccp
       SUNWcsnmp SUNWscsdb
                   >>>> Warning <<<<
         The installation process will run several scripts as root.  In
         addition, it may install setUID programs.  If you choose automatic
         mode, the installation of the chosen packages will proceed without
         any user interaction.  If you wish to manually control the install
         process you must choose the manual installation option.
       	manual						Interactively install each package
       	automatic						Install the selected packages with no user interaction.
       In addition, the following commands are supported:
          list						Show a list of the packages to be installed
          help						Show this command summary
          close						Return to previous menu
          quit						Quit the program
       Install mode [manual automatic] [automatic]:  automatic

      The scinstall(1M) program now installs the client packages. After the packages have been installed, the main scinstall(1M) menu is displayed. From the main menu, you can choose to verify the installation, then quit to exit scinstall(1M).

  6. Change the port number used by the Sun Cluster SNMP daemon and Solaris SNMP (smond).

    The default port used by Sun Cluster SNMP is the same as the default port number used by Solaris SNMP; both use port 161. Change the Sun Cluster SNMP port number using the procedure described in the appendix describign Sun Cluster SNMP management solutions in the Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide. You must stop and restart both the snmpd and smond daemons after changing the port number.

  7. Modify the /etc/clusters and /etc/serialports files.

    These files are installed automatically by scinstall(1M). Use the templates included in the files to add your cluster name, physical host names, terminal concentrator name, and serial port numbers, as listed on your installation worksheet. See the clusters(4) and serialports(4) man pages for details.

    Note -

    The serial port number used in the /etc/serialports file is the telnet(1) port number, not the physical port number. Determine the serial port number by adding 5000 to the physical port number. For example, if the physical port number is 6, the serial port number should be 5006.

    Proceed to the section "3.2.2 How to Install the Server Software" to install the Sun Cluster 2.2 server software.