Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

6.2.4 How to Create a Sybase SQL Server and Databases

These are the high-level steps to create a Sybase SQL Server and databases:

These are the detailed steps to create a Sybase SQL Server and databases.

  1. Log in as user sybase.

    You must be defined as user sybase to run the Sybase commands.

  2. Prepare the Sybase environment using the following command. In csh:

    # setenv SYBASE base_dir
  3. Prepare database configuration files. This can be done on either the local disk or the multihost disk.

    If you will place the Sybase installation directory on the local disk:

    1. Use the sybinit command to create the RUN_sqlserver and (optional) RUN_backupserver files in the Sybase installation directory.

    2. Place the Sybase installation directory on the local disk.

    3. Use the rcp(1) command to copy the RUN_ files to all other potential masters of the logical host.

    4. Update the $SYBASE/interfaces file on those potential masters with entries for the new servers.

    5. Place all transaction logs, databases, the server.cfg file, the server.krg file, and the errorlog file on the local disk.

    6. Use the rcp(1) command to copy the files in Step e to the other potential masters.

    7. If you use the sp_configure store procedure to modify configuration settings or to edit the configuration file directly, use rcp(1) to copy the server.cfg file to the other potential masters.

      If you will place the Sybase installation directory on the multihost disk (the logical host):

  1. Use the sybinit command to create the RUN_sqlserver and (optional) RUN_backupserver files in the Sybase installation directory.

  2. Place the Sybase installation directory on the multihost disk.

  3. Place all transaction logs, databases, the server.cfg file, the server.krg file, and the errorlog file on the multihost disk.

  4. Use rcp(1) to copy the Sybase interfaces file to /var/opt/sybase/interfaces on all potential masters.

  5. Set up the Sybase SQL Server using the sybinit command.

    Note -

    With Sun Cluster, there can be no more than one SQL Server for each backup server.

    You must use the logical host name when defining the database device. Later, when installing Sybase on the other potential masters, add identical lines to the interfaces file through sybinit.

  6. Create the database and place it on the logical host.

  7. Add the name of your backup server to the sysservers database.

    If the name of your backup server is anything other than the default, SYB_BACKUP, then you must add it to the sysservers database using the following command:

    # sp_addserver <backup_server_name>

    If you do not add a backup server name to the sysservers database, then you must use the backup server name SYB_BACKUP.