Sun Cluster 2.2 Cluster Volume Manager Guide

3.9 Moving the Quorum Controller

When a quorum controller fails, you must select a new quorum controller.

Caution - Caution -

Select a new quorum controller before taking a node down. If you fail to do this first, the entire cluster will shut down.

  1. Obtain the current SPARCstorage Array Sun Cluster configuration:

    # scconf cluster_name -p 

    Look for the quorum controller serial numbers. The first controller should be the quorum controller (check the Quorum Controller: line in the display).

  2. On both nodes, change the quorum controller by selecting a new quorum controller serial number (validate against the SPARCstorage Array LCD display) and enter:

    # scconf cluster_name -q -m host1 host2 ctlr

    Caution - Caution -

    If you do not make the change on both nodes, the database may be destroyed.

  3. Verify that the ctrl2 SPARCstorage Array is now the new quorum controller:

    # scconf cluster_name -p