Sun Cluster 2.2 Data Services Update: Lotus Domino 4.6.3

Lotus Domino Overview

Sun Cluster HA for Lotus makes the Lotus Domino server and partitioned servers highly available when all are running on a Sun cluster.

To run Lotus Domino 4.6.3 with Sun Cluster HA for Lotus and Sun Cluster, you must:

The procedures described in this document assume that you are familiar with the Sun Cluster concepts of disksets, logical hosts, physical hosts, switchover, takeover, and data services.

Choosing an Install Location for Lotus Binaries

You can install Lotus Domino primary server binaries and partitioned server binaries on either the local disk of each cluster node or on a shared disk. If you choose to install Lotus Domino binaries or partitioned server binaries on the local disk, you must install them on all cluster nodes. Always install data directories on the shared disk.

Installing the binaries on the shared disk eases administration and consumes less disk space, but increases down time during application upgrades, because the application must be brought down for the duration of the binary upgrade.

Installing the binaries locally on each node preserves high availability during failover, and also reduces downtime during future upgrades of the application. You can upgrade the binaries on a node that is not currently hosting the application, switch the application over to that node, then upgrade the binaries on the original node. The application remains available except for during the brief switchover period.

Configuring Lotus and Netscape Applications Together

Lotus Domino servers can be set up as HTTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP or LDAP servers. However, when you install Lotus Domino servers and Netscape servers in the same cluster, the Lotus application reserves the default Netscape port for Lotus use. Therefore, you must assign a different port number to any Netscape application running in the same cluster as the Lotus application. Note the general guidelines outlined in the following table.

Table 1-1 Configuring Lotus and Netscape Applications Together - General Guidelines

Server Task 

Client Types Supported 


Netscape Default Port Number (Reserved by Lotus) 


Web browsers (Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, etc.) 

When Netscape Enterprise Server and Lotus HTTP server are both installed in one cluster, assign an unused port number to Netscape Enterprise Server. 



Internet mail clients using Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol 

When Netscape Mail and the Lotus IMAP server are both installed in one cluster, assign an unused port number to Netscape Mail. 

110 (POP3) 

143 (IMAP) 



Internet mail clients using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 

When Netscape Messaging Server (or Netscape Mail Server) and Lotus SMTP/MIME are both installed in one cluster, assign an unused port number to the Netscape application. 



Internet Directory Clients using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 

When Netscape Directory Server and the Lotus LDAP server are both installed in one cluster, assign an unused port number to Netscape Directory Server. 



Internet news readers using Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) 

When Netscape Collabra Server and the Lotus NNTP server are both installed in one cluster, assign an unused port number to Netscape Collabra Server.