Solaris PC NetLink 1.0 Administration Guide

Solving Problems With Unknown File Systems

The SunLink Server program recognizes only the following types of file systems:

File systems other than those listed above will be treated as an s5 file system. If you want all of your unknown file systems to be treated as a type other than s5, set the fsnosupport parameter in the [fsi] section of the lanman.ini file to the name of a recognized file system. Then, stop and restart the server.

If you want to set each unknown file system individually to a specific known file system, follow these steps:

  1. At the Solaris system prompt, type the following command, replacing pathname with the actual name of the path to the unknown file system, and press Enter:

    df -n pathname

    The system displays the mount point and file system type as specified by the Solaris operating system.

  2. Set the fsmap parameter in the [ fsi ] section of the lanman.ini file as follows:

    unknown:s5,sfs:vxfs,unixfilesystem:filesystem, ...

    Replace unixfilesystem with the name of the file system type returned in Step 1. Replace filesystem with the name of the SunLink Server file system type you want to use.

    1. Stop and restart the server.

      The SunLink Server program now will map the Solaris file system to the recognized file system you specified.