Some net commands require confirmation. The /yes and /no options help expedite net commands. When SunLink Server software reads one of these options, it does not pause to display the corresponding prompt. Instead, it accepts the /yes or /no option as your response to the prompt.
You can use net commands with /yes (/y) and /no (/n) options to create batch files and shell scripts that are not interrupted by SunLink Server prompts.
For example, if you use the net logoff command to log off the local area network with connections to remote shared resources intact, SunLink Server software displays a prompt similar to the following:
You have the following remote connections:
Continuing will cancel the connections.
Do you want to continue this operation? (Y/N) [Y]:
You can use the /yes and /no options with any net command to anticipate and respond to a prompt. For example, you are not prompted for confirmation when you type the following:
net logoff /yes