Solaris PC NetLink 1.0 Administration Guide

Using Special Characters With Commands

Some of the names or passwords that you need to enter may contain one or more special characters; for example, an ampersand (&). When you are at the Solaris system command prompt typing a name with a special character in a SunLink Server command, you must use an escape character (the backslash [ \ ]) before each special character. If you are at a client computer, you can surround the string containing the special characters in double quotation marks.

For example, to log in with the user name marksp and the password mrkt&dev from the system command prompt, you would type the following:

net logon marksp mrkt\&dev

Some commonly used Solaris system special characters include the following: asterisk (*); semicolon (;); pipe (|); square brackets ([ ]); parentheses [( )]; question mark (?); ampersand (&); caret (^); backslash (\); greater-than and less-than signs (< >); blank ( ) and the "at" sign (@).

There are other Solaris special characters that you may encounter. For more information on special characters, consult your Solaris system documentation.