Solaris PC NetLink 1.0 Administration Guide

File Parameters

The following tables describe the configurable parameters in the lanman.ini file. The parameters are grouped according to the section of the lanman.ini file in which they reside.

The lanman.ini file contains additional parameters that are not included in the following tables. These parameters are for debugging purposes and you should not modify them.

Table 2-4 [Lmxserver] Section Parameters


Description, Values, and Default Setting 


The name of the mail slot used for periodic server announcements. 

Values: A path up to a maximum of 256 characters. Default: \\*\MAILSLOT\LANMAN

Note that backslashes must be doubled on input or else the entire input line must be enclosed in single quotation marks. (Type text\\text or `text\text` to enter text with a single backslash.)


The names of the modules that can write to the application log. 

Default: The server initializes the value of this parameter at startup. 


The country code for server-generated messages. Default is 001. 

Other values: 

Asia--099; Australia--061; Belgium--032; Canada--002; Denmark--045; Finland--358; France--033; Germany--049; Italy--039; Japan--081; Latin America--003; Netherlands--031; Norway--047; Portugal--351; Spain--034; Sweden--046; Switzerland--041; United Kingdon--044; United States--001 (default--001) 


The path to the directory containing message text files used by SunLink Server Solaris system commands. 

Default: /opt/lanman/shares/asu/system32


Defines the character set that SunLink Server software uses for processing client requests. 

Default: en_US


The extension that the Solaris system Listener program, by default, applies to the name of the server computer. This parameter is ignored if the listenname parameter in the [server] section is used.

Values: 0-13 characters and a null value are acceptable. Default: .SERVE


If set to yes, it forces any name specified with the listenname parameter to be different than the Solaris machine name or the Solaris machine name with a .serve extension in order to avoid name conflicts with the Solaris Listener.

Default: Vendor specific 


The directory for dynamic libraries bound into the server program and called at various times during server execution, as described in the /usr/include/lmx/lmaddon.h header file. The server looks for these dynamic libraries on startup.

Values: A path up to a maximum of 256 characters. Default: /opt/lanman/lib/addon/lmaddon


Search order for message text files used by SunLink Server. 

Default: netmsg.dll, kernel32.dll, locallspl.dll, asumsg.dll


The location of the spooling directory for temporary files used by the Solaris system's LP (printer) subsystem. 

Default: /var/spool/lp/tmp/uname

where uname is the server's Solaris system name. (This is not changeable by users.)


Configures whether to use memory-mapped file operations when accessing the SunLink Server Access Control List database. 

Values: yes, no. Default: yes 


Configures whether to use memory-mapped file operations when accessing the SunLink Server Change Log database. 

Values: yes, no. Default: no 


Configures whether to use memory-mapped file operations when accessing the SunLink Server Local Security Authority database. 

Values: yes, no. Default: no 


Configures whether to use memory-mapped file operations when accessing the SunLink Server Registry database. 

Values: yes, no. Default: no 


Configures whether to use memory-mapped file operations when accessing the SunLink Server Security Accounts Manager database. 

Values: yes, no. Default: no 


The maximum file size, in kilobytes, that the Solaris system redirector will allow a "local Solaris user" to create on a local system. 

Values: 100 - unlimited. Default: 2097152 


Specifies if SunLink Server software implements message forwarding between clients. Implementation of message forwarding is not recommended. 

Values: yes (implement forwarding) or no (do not implement forwarding). Default: no 


An additional field in the session setup request/response. 

Default: SunLink Server 


An additional field in the session setup request/response.  

Default: UNIX x.x Generic (where x.x is the release number)


The directory in which the SunLink Server program looks for dynamic libraries on startup. Dynamic libraries found in the directory are bound into the SunLink Server program and used to access the various network interfaces on the server computer. Sample source for a network interface file is located in the default directory. 

Values: A path up to a maximum of 256 characters. Default:/opt/lanman/lib/addon/networks


The location of the help file used by the net help command (relative to /var/opt/lanman/msgfiles).

Default: /opt/lanman/msgfiles/net.hlp


The interval, in seconds, that the server waits for a response when it sends a message that requires one. 

Values: 0 - unlimited. Default: 300 


The network device names and NetBIOS name-passing type for the network(s) the server should use. 

Values: sets of four items separated by commas, each set of four separated from the next by a space. The following four items are in each set: 

  1. The device name for virtual circuit access.

    The device name for datagram network access.

    A digit identifying the NetBIOS interface convention used by the two devices above. Currently there is only one convention compiled into the server: 0 = OSI NetBIOS convention.

    The name of the transport provider, as returned by the nlsprovider system call. (For networks not configured to accept incoming connections through the Solaris system Listener program, this can be any arbitrary string.)


Controls the name that the Solaris system net command binds when it uses the Solaris system redirector (uxredir). If this parameter is set to yes, the server pre-binds a NetBIOS name that will be used by all Solaris system net commands. Because this name is pre-bound, the net command does not need to bind its own name, and this quickens the Solaris system's net access to the server. If this parameter is set to no, then each net command will use its own unique name with somewhat slower performance resulting.

Values: yes, no. Default: yes 


The names of the modules that can write to the security log.  

Default: The server initializes the value of this parameter at startup. 


The location of the help file used by the Activity Monitor. 

Default: /opt/lanman/msgfiles/srvstat.hlp


The size of the stack, in bytes, for each task internal to the server. 

Values: 12000 - unlimited. Default: 20000 


The names of the modules that can write to the system log. 

Default: The server initializes the value of this parameter at startup. 

Table 2-5 [Fsi] Section Parameters


Description, Values, and Default Setting 


The location of dynamic link libraries (DLL) that support file systems on the server. 

Values: A path up to a maximum of 256 characters. Default: /opt/lanman/lib/addon/fsaddon


The subdirectory of the directory identified by fslibpath where new file systems are located.

Values: A path up to a maximum of 256 characters. Default:


The location of new file systems on the server. 

Values: A path up to a maximum of 256 characters. Default: /usr/lib/fs


File system type identifiers that map unknown file systems to known file system types. 

Values: a comma-separated list of mappings. Default: unknown:s5,nfs:nfs,sfs:vxfs,cdfs:vxfs


Maps unknown file system to specified file system.  

Default: s5


The names of file system types that indicate remotely mounted file systems. 

Default: nfs

Table 2-6 [Workstation] Section Parameters


Description, Values, and Default Setting 


The name of the domain that includes the server. 

Values: any name of up to 15 characters, including letters, numbers, and the following characters: ! # $ % & ( ) - . ^ _ { } ~ ; Default: <servername>_dom

Table 2-7 [Server] Section Parameters


Description, Values, and Default Setting 


If set, this is the server's name on the network. If not set, the SunLink Server system may receive client connections from the Solaris Listener on the Solaris machine name with a .serve extension (such as liberty.serve). This is implementation dependent. The Solaris system machine name can be determined by using the uname -n command.

To change the value of the listenname parameter, use the setservername command. For more information about this command, type man setservername at the SunLink Server command prompt.

Values: any name of 1-15 characters. Default: null 


Identifies the maximum number of simultaneous client sessions that the server must support. Default: 1000. 


The list of keywords for the services that start automatically when the server is started. Because services are started in the order they appear in the srvservices entry, you must ensure that netlogon appears before any services that require it.

Default: alerter, netlogon, browser

Table 2-8 [Psi] Section Parameters


Description, Values, and Default Setting 


The location of dynamically linked libraries (DLLs) that support printer subsystems on the server. 

Values: A path up to a maximum of 256 characters. Default: /opt/lanman/lib/addon/psaddon