This section presents configuration parameters that affect the behavior of WINS and that you can modify only through the Windows NT Registry Editor. For some parameters, WINS can detect Registry changes immediately. For other parameters, you must restart WINS for the changes to take effect.
You can impair or disable WINS if you make incorrect changes in the Registry while using Registry Editor. Whenever possible, use WINS Manager to make configuration changes rather than using Registry Editor. If you make errors while changing values with Registry Editor, you will not be warned because the Registry Editor does not recognize semantic errors.
The following sections describe the value entries for WINS parameters that can only be set by adding an entry or changing values in Registry Editor.
The Registry parameters for WINS servers are specified under the following key:..\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Wins\Parameters
This lists all of the non-replication-related parameters needed to configure a WINS server. It also contains a \Datafiles subkey, which lists all the files that should be read by WINS to initialize or reinitialize its local database.
Data type = REG_DWORD Range = 0 or 1 Default = 0 (false--that is, the WINS server does not initialize its database) If this parameter is set to a non-zero value, the WINS server will initialize its database with records listed in one or more files listed under the \Datafiles subkey. The initialization is done at process invocation and whenever a change is made to one or more values of the \Parameters or \Datafiles keys (unless the change is to modify the default value of DoStaticDataInit to 0).
The following parameters in this subkey can be set using the options available in the WINS Server Configuration dialog box:
TombstoneInterval (extinction interval)
TombstoneTimeout (extinction timeout)
Also, the \Wins\Parameters\Datafiles key lists one or more files that the WINS server should read to initialize or reinitialize its local database with static records. If the full path of the file is not listed, the directory of execution for the WINS server is assumed to contain the data file. The parameters can have any names (for example, DF1 or DF2). Their data types must be REG_EXPAND_SZ or REG_SZ.
The \Wins\Partners key has two subkeys, \Pull and \Push, under which are subkeys for the IP addresses of all push and pull partners, respectively, of the WINS server.
A push partner, listed under the \Partners\Pull key, is one from which a WINS server pulls replicas and from which it can expect update notification messages. The following parameter appears under the IP address for a specific push partner. You can set this parameter only by changing the value in the Registry:
Data type = REG_DWORD Range = 0 or 1 Default = None
Specifies the order of precedence for this WINS partner, with 0 indicating low precedence and 1 indicating high precedence. Notice that dynamically registered names are always high precedence. When a 1C name is pulled from this WINS partner, the addresses contained in it are given this precedence level. The value can be 0 (low) or 1 (high). Set this value to 1 if this WINS server is serving a geographic location that is nearby.
The following parameters appear under this subkey and can be set in the WINS Server Configuration dialog box:
The following parameters appear under this subkey and can be set using the Preferences dialog box:
..\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Wins\Partners \Pull\<IP Address>
SpTime (Start Time for pull partner default configuration)
TimeInterval (Replication Interval)
For SpTime, WINS replicates at the set time if it is in the future for that day. After that, it replicates every number of seconds specified by TimeInterval. If SpTime is in the past for that day, WINS replicates every number of seconds specified by TimeInterval, starting from the current time (if InitTimeReplication is set to 1).
A pull partner of a WINS server, listed under the \Partners\Push key, is one from which it can expect pull requests to pull replicas and to which it sends update notification messages. The following parameters appear under this subkey and can be set using the options available in the WINS Server Configuration dialog box:
The following parameter appears under this subkey and can be set using the options available in the Preferences dialog box:
..\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Wins\Partners\Push\<IP Address>