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build command
The command that starts the make utility, which reads the makefile and builds the make targets.
build directory
The directory from which the build process is started and also the default directory for the makefile.
data display
A feature of the debugging service that allows you to watch the changes in the value of an expression during program execution.
data history
A feature of the debugging service that allows you to evaluate expressions and change the value of a variable while debugging a program.
debugging session
A program with an associated debug process. You can debug many programs at the same time using the session manager.
debug mode
A debugging state that allows you to debug your program using the full functionality of the debugging service. See also quick mode.
distributed make (dmake)
A version of the make utility that organizes the build into multiple tasks and distributes those tasks to multiple CPUs and workstations.
A file that contains entries that tell the make utility in a structured manner which source and object files depend on other files. It also defines the commands required to compile and link the files.
make target
An object that the make utility knows how to build from the directions (rules) contained in the makefile.
menu picklist
A list of recently used files, targets, programs, projects, or experiments located on Sun WorkShop menus, allowing easy access to your most recently accessed items.
pattern search mode
A mode in the Browsing window that allows you to search source code for any text string, including text embedded within comments. See also source browsing mode.
See menu picklist.
A list of files and compiler, debugger, and build-related options used to build an executable, a static library/archive, a shared library, a Fortran application, a complex application, or a user makefile application.
quick mode
A debugging state that allows you to run a program normally but with debugging ready in the background to save the program in case your program terminates abnormally. See also debug mode.
run parameters
The program arguments, the directory in which the program is run, and any environment variables passed to your program while your program is being debugged.
source browsing mode
A mode in the Browsing window that allows you to find all occurrences of any program-defined symbol in your code by searching in a database that is generated when Sun WorkShop compiles your source files with a source browsing option (-xsb). See also pattern search mode.
An object that can be built.

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