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Chapter 5

Migrating From C++ 3.0

This chapter discusses the migration of working code from a C++ 3.0 or 3.0.1 compiler directly to the Sun WorkShop 6 C++ compiler.

5.1 Keywords Added Since the C++ 3.0 Compiler

The following keywords have been added to C++ since the C++ 3.0 compiler. If you use any of these as identifiers, you should change the names. As shown in TABLE 3-1, some keywords can be turned off.

TABLE 5-1   Keywords Added Since C++ 3.0 Compiler
bool, false, true
const_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast, static_cast
namespace, using

5.2 Source Code Incompatibilities

The following list describes changes that must be made to code that was written for the C++ 3.0 compiler before compiling the code with the Sun WorkShop 6 C++ compiler.

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