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Appendix B

Features Release History

This Appendix lists the new and changed features in this and previous release of f77 and f95:

Fortran 95 New Features and Changes

This section lists the new features and behavior changes specific to this Sun WorkShop 6 release of f95 and previous releases.

New Features in f95 for Sun WorkShop 6:

The following lists the new and changed features in the Fortran 95 compiler released with Sun Performance WorkShop 6:

New Features Released In f90 2.0:

The following new and changed features appeared in the f90 2.0 compiler released with Sun WorkShop 5.0 over the earlier f90 1.2 release:

Fortran 77 New Features and Changes

This section lists the new features and behavior changes specific to f77 in this and previous releases.

New Features in f77 for Sun WorkShop 6:

Sun WorkShop 6 Fortran 77 includes the following new and changed features:

Features in f77 5.0:

f77 5.0 included the following new and changed features:

Features in f77 4.2:

f77 4.2 included the following features that were new or changed since the 4.0 release:

n -xpp=fpp|cpp

FORTRAN 77 Upward Compatibility

The FORTRAN 77 5.0 source is compatible with earlier releases, except for minor changes due to operating system changes and bug fixes.

Fortran 3.0/3.0.1 to 4.0

Executables (a.out), libraries (.a), and object files (.o) compiled and linked in Fortran 3.0/3.0.1 under Solaris 2 are compatible with Fortran 5.0 under Solaris 2.

BCP: Running Applications from Solaris 1

You must install the Binary Compatibility Package for the executable to run.

Executables compiled and linked in Solaris 1 do run in Solaris 2, but they do not run as fast as when they are compiled and linked under the appropriate Solaris release.

Libraries (.a) and object files (.o) compiled and linked in Fortran 2.0.1 under Solaris 1 are not compatible with Fortran 5.0.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright information. All rights reserved.
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