Solaris 8 Admin Pack Installation Guide

Installing the Answerbook2 Server

The AnswerBook2 product is Sun Microsystems' online documentation system. It uses a Web browser interface to view, print, and search the documentation.

To view the Admin Pack online documentation, you must have access to an Answerbook2 documentation server. The AnswerBook2 documentation server enables you to view Sun documentation using your favorite browser. It renders documentation in 3.2-compliant HTML, sending it to a browser for display; it also supports the previous AnswerBook documentation format. The AnswerBook2 documentation server software is included on the Solaris 8 Admin Pack Documentation CD and on the Solaris 8 Documentation CD.

For occasional viewing of the Admin Pack document collections, you need not install the AnswerBook2 documentation server software. Instead, you can run it directly off the Admin Pack Documentation CD using the ab2cd script. For detailed information about this feature, see the README on the Admin Pack Documentation CD. For this, you must have root access to the system on which the CD is connected.

However, to provide your users with access to the documentation of the Admin Pack products, it is necessary to install the AnswerBook2 documentation server software. Once you have installed the Admin Pack server software, you must install the Admin Pack documentation on that server. For information on installing the server software and documentation included on the Admin Pack Documentation CD, see the README file on that CD. For general information about using the AnswerBook2 product, see the module "Accessing Online Documentation" in the Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide or the Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide.

If you do not have access to an AnswerBook2 document server or do not want to install it locally, you can view all released Solaris documentation at the Web site.

How to Run the Answerbook2 Server From the Admin Pack Documentation CD

Note -

Be aware that running the document server directly from the CD is slow. You should use another approach if you expect other users to access the Admin Pack document collections.

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Insert the Admin Pack Documentation CD in the CD-ROM drive.

    A File Manager window opens to display files included on the CD. One of these files is named ab2cd.

  3. Double-click the ab2cd icon.

  4. To view the documentation, launch any HTML 3.2-compliant Web browser and go to the following URL:


    where localhost is the name of the machine to which the CD is attached.

  5. To stop running the server from the CD, run the following command from a terminal window:

    /cdrom-mount-point/ab2cd stop

    where cdrom-mount-point is the mount point, including volume name, for the CD-ROM device.

How to Install the AnswerBook2 Documentation Server
  1. Insert the Admin Pack Documentation CD in the CD-ROM drive.

    A File Manager window opens, listing folders and files included on the CD.

  2. Double-click the Installer file to open the Web Start installation window.

    If an Action: Run window opens, click OK to continue. An Installer Console window opens and displays installation events and the location of installation log files.

  3. If prompted, enter the system's root password and click Log in.

    The Web Start Welcome screen opens.

  4. Click Next in the Welcome screen and choose either Default or Custom Install.

    Default Install installs the documentation server software and all document collections on the CD. Custom Install enables you to select to install the documentation server software and specific collections. See Table 4-1 for the list of Admin Pack collections.

  5. Upon completion of the installation, a script automatically starts the server software. To verify the server has started, use one of the following methods.

    • Launch an HTML 3.2-compliant Web browser and go to the URL http://localhost:8888, where localhost is the name of the server on which you have just installed the AnswerBook2 software.

      You should see an AnswerBook2 Library page with at least one document collection (the AnswerBook2 Help Collection), depending on the collections you installed.

    • Look for the server process using the following command:

      ps -eaf | grep dwhttpd

      If the server is not running, type the following command as superuser:

      /usr/lib/ab2/bin/ab2admin -o start

  6. When the installation is finished, your server starts up using default configuration information. For information about changing your server's configuration, see the README on the Admin Pack Documentation CD.

How to Install the Answerbook2 Documentation Server Using the pkgadd Command
  1. Insert the Admin Pack Documentation CD in the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Log in as root on the documentation server machine and change directory to the location of the installation packages.

  3. Type the command:

    pkgadd -d .

  4. Select these server software packages to install.

    • SUNWab2r (0.40 Megabytes) installs in root partition and provides configuration and startup files.

    • SUNWab2s (1.36 Megabytes) provides shared files for performing document processing. Do not relocate this package.

    • SUNWab2u (33.85 Megabytes) provides executable and back-end processing files for server and administration functions.

  5. Start the server, if needed.

    Installing the packages should start the server on the default port of 8888. If it does not start, type the following command to start it:

    # /usr/lib/ab2/bin/ab2admin -o start