Solaris 8 Admin Pack Installation Guide

Configuring PPP

Gather the information listed in this section before starting the PPP configuration script. Refer to chapter "Configuring Solstice PPP using pppinit" and chapter "Editing the Configuration Files" in the Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide for full details.

Run the PPP configuration tool only once to set the initial PPP configuration interface. If you make a mistake during the configuration, at the end of the script, you have the option to exit without saving. To manage the PPP connection, run ppptool.

How to Configure PPP 3.0.1
  1. Click the Applications tab in the SMC window to display the applications.

  2. Double-click the Connectivity folder in the left window pane.

  3. Double-click Configuration.

  4. In the right window pane, double-click PPP Configuration to start the pppinit configuration script.