Solaris 8 Admin Pack Installation Guide

Removing Unwanted Applications

Admin Pack products can be removed using one of the following methods:

Uninstalling Using the Product Registry

Use the Solaris Product Registry to uninstall applications you no longer need or use to free necessary disk space. See "Uninstalling Products From the Registry" for step-by-step instructions. You will find the name of the uninstall program in the right panel of the Product Registry after selecting the application to be removed in the left panel.

Uninstalling Using the jre Command

To remove an Admin Pack application using the jre command, you can run the uninstall program from the application.

For example, to remove AdminSuite, you would type the following command at the superuser system prompt:

jre --cp /var/sadm/prod/com.sun.AdminSuite_3_0/607900099 uninstall_AdminSuite_3.0.class

Uninstalling Using the pkgrm Command

You must be logged in as root and you must know the name of the packages that make up the application. For example, to remove AdminSuite, which consists of the packages SUNWseamj and SUNWseams, using the pkgrm command, you would type the following command:

pkgrm SUNWseamj SUNWseams

To find the name of the application packages, use the following command and then use the pkgrm command as indicated above.

pkginfo | grep application_name