Sun Cluster 2.2 Release Notes Addendum

Adding a Data Service to a Two-Node Cluster With Shared CCD

Use the following procedure to add a data service to an existing 2-node cluster with a shared Cluster Configuration Database (CCD). See also "Data Service Bugs".

How to Add a Data Service to a Two-Node Cluster With Shared CCD
  1. Unshare the shared CCD.

    You must reconfigure the cluster to unshare the CCD before you add any new data services. Run the following command on both nodes, as root, while both nodes are in the cluster:

    phys-hahost1# /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/scconf clustername -S none
    phys-hahost2# /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/scconf clustername -S none

    You must unshare the CCD. If you attempt to add a data service while the CCD is in shared state, only the local ccd.database file will be updated, and not the shared CCD file. This will cause registration of the new data service to fail.

  2. Add the new data services, using the following commands.

    Run all commands as root. In these examples, the node names are phys-hahost1 and phys-hahost2.

    1. Stop the cluster on the first node.

      phys-hahost1# scadmin stopnode
    2. Use scinstall(1M) to add the new data service package to the first node.

      See Chapter 3 of the Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide for details. This step automatically updates the local CCD file.

      phys-hahost1# scinstall
    3. Stop the cluster on the second node.

      Note -

      The existing data services will be unavailable to clients while you perform Steps b and c .

      phys-hahost2# scadmin stopnode
    4. Restart the cluster on the first node.

      phys-hahost2# scadmin startcluster phys-hahost1 clustername
    5. Use scinstall(1M) to add the new data service package to the second node. See Chapter 3 of the Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide for details. This step automatically updates the local CCD file.

      phys-hahost2# scinstall
    6. Add the second node to the cluster.

      phys-hahost2# scadmin startnode
  3. Reinstate the shared CCD.

    Run the following command on both nodes, as root.

    phys-hahost1# /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/scconf clustername -S ccdvol
    phys-hahost2# /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/scconf clustername -S ccdvol