Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

Configuration Parameters for Sun Cluster HA for NetBackup

This section describes the information you supply to the hadsconfig(1M) command to create configuration files for Sun Cluster HA for NetBackup. The hadsconfig(1M) command uses templates to create these configuration files. The templates contain some default, some hard-coded, and some unspecified parameters. You must provide values for those parameters that are unspecified.

Configure Sun Cluster HA for NetBackup by supplying the hadsconfig(1M) command with parameters listed in Table 14-1.

Table 14-1 Configuration Parameters for Sun Cluster HA for NetBackup



Name of the instance 

Nametag used as an identifier for the instance. The log messages generated by Sun Cluster HA for NetBackup refer to this nametag. The hadsconfig(1M) command prefixes the package name to the value you supply here. For example, if you specify "netbackup," the hadsconfig(1M) command produces "SUNWscnb_netbackup."

Logical host 

Name of the logical host that provides service for this instance of Sun Cluster HA for NetBackup, nb-master in the examples in this chapter.

Base install directory 

Directory containing the S77netbackup and K77netbackup scripts. Normally this directory is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies.

Local probe flag 

Flag that specifies whether the local probe is started automatically at cluster reconfiguration or when the NetBackup service is activated. The probe runs on the same node as the NetBackup instance. There is no remote probe for this service.Possible values are y or n. The default value is y (automatic restart).

Probe interval 

The interval, in seconds, that the probe waits between checks of the service. The default value is 60 seconds. 

Number of retries 

The number of attempts that will be made to restart a failed NetBackup instance on the local node before resorting to other actions, such as failover or switchover. The default value is 3. 

Takeover flag 

Flag that specifies whether a failure of this instance will cause a takeover or failover of the logical host associated with the NetBackup instance. Such a takeover or failover occurs only after efforts to revive the service on the local node have failed. Possible values are y or n. The default value is y.