Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

Configuring Sun Cluster Data Services

This section provides procedures for configuring Sun Cluster data services. These data services are normally configured with the logical hosts as part of the cluster installation. However, you can also configure logical hosts and data services after the installation. For more detailed information about a particular data service, see the individual chapter covering the data service in the Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide.

Note -

All commands used in this section can be run from any node that is a cluster member, even a node that cannot master the specified logical hosts or run the specified data services. You can run the commands even if there is only one node in the cluster membership.

Caution - Caution -

The commands used in this section update the CCD even without a quorum. Consequently, updates to the CCD can be lost if nodes are shut down and brought up in the wrong sequence. Therefore, the node that was the last to leave the cluster must be the first node brought back into the cluster by using the scadmin startcluster command. For more information about the CCD, see the Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide.

How to Configure a Sun Cluster Data Service
  1. Verify that the following tasks have been completed.

    • The logical hosts that will run the data services are configured. Refer to "Adding and Removing Logical Hosts", for details on configuring a logical host.

    • The necessary disk groups, logical volumes, and file systems are set up. Refer to the Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide for details.

    • The HA administrative file system and vfstab.logicalhost file have been set up. This procedure varies depending on your volume manager. Refer to the appendix describing how to configure your volume manager in the Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide.

  2. Register the data service.

    Register the Sun Cluster data service(s) associated with the logical host(s).

    # hareg -s -r dataservice [-h logicalhost]

    This assumes that the data service has already been installed and its methods are available.

    When the -h option is used in the hareg -r command, the data service is configured only on the logical hosts specified by the logicalhost argument. If the -h option is not specified, then the data service is configured on all currently-existing logical hosts. See the hareg(1M) man page for details.

    Note -

    If the data service is to be associated with any logical hosts that are created after the registration of the data service, run scconf -s on all cluster nodes to extend the set of logical hosts associated with the data service.

  3. Configure the data service using the interactive command hadsconfig(1M) and your data service documentation.

    # hadsconfig

  4. Start the data service.

    # hareg -y dataservice