Sun Cluster 2.2 API Developer's Guide

Administering HA-in.named: Updating the Database

Administration of HA-in.named resembles that of non-HA in.named. To update the in.named database, log in to the server (it is a security risk to grant root NFS access to the file system where the in.named data files are stored). For HA-in.named, log in to the physical server that currently masters the logical host that HA-in.named has been configured to use. Use the hastat(1M) utility to determine which physical host masters which logical hosts.

You perform an update to HA-in.named by editing its data files. Do this in a way that leaves the data files well-formed in the event of a sudden crash. For example, after logging in, cd to the directory where the HA-in.named data is stored (in our example, the directory /hahost1/A1/hainnamed). Then edit a new temporary copy of the data file, and once you are finished, move this copy onto the real data file name. For example:

% cd /hahost1/A1/hainnamed
% cp named.boot
% vi
% sync
% mv named.boot

As explained in the in.named(1M) man page, you then can use the kill(1M) command to send a SIGHUP signal to the in.named daemon, to cause it to re-read the file.