Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.5 User Guide

Hostview Resources

In the Hostview main window, boards that are in the same domain have the same color outline. If you want to change the domain colors or if your workstation does not use the default colors supported by Hostview, you can configure the colors used for each domain. Put the following resources in your $HOME/.Xdefaults file and modify the specified colors using valid color names:

Hostview*domainColor0: white
Hostview*domainColor1: orange
Hostview*domainColor2: yellow
Hostview*domainColor3: pink
Hostview*domainColor4: brown
Hostview*domainColor5: red
Hostview*domainColor6: green
Hostview*domainColor7: violet
Hostview*domainColor8: purple
Hostview*domainColor9: mediumaquamarine
Hostview*domainColor10: yellowgreen
Hostview*domainColor11: maroon
Hostview*domainColor12: cyan
Hostview*domainColor13: darkgoldenrod
Hostview*domainColor14: navyblue
Hostview*domainColor15: tan

You can use the showrgb(1) command (for details on this command, see the Solaris X Window System Reference Manual) to list the valid domain color names on your display workstation. If you specify an invalid domain color in the .Xdefaults file, an error is generated and the following occurs: