Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.5 User Guide

Control Board Server

After the SSP is booted, the control board server (CBS) is started automatically, as are several other daemons, including the fod daemon. The CBS is responsible for all nonfailover communication between the SSP and the primary control board.

The CBS attempts to connect only to the primary control board identified in the control board configuration file.

Note -

Do not manually modify the control board configuration file. Use the ssp_config(1M) command to change the control board configuration.

The format of the control board configuration file is as follows:



platform_name is the name assigned by the system administrator.

platform_type is Ultra-Enterprise-10000.

cb0_hostname is the host name for control board 0, if available.

status0 indicates that control board 0 is the primary control board (P indicates primary, and anything else indicates non-primary).

cb1_hostname is the host name for control board 1, if available.

status1 indicates that control board 1 is the primary control board.

For example:


This example indicates that there are two control boards in the xf2 platform. They are xf2-cb0 and xf2-cb1. xf2-cb0 is specified as the primary. See the cb_config(4) man page for more information.

The communication port that is used for communication between the control board server and the control board executive is specified in /tftpboot/xxxxxxxx.cb_port where xxxxxxxx is the control board IP address represented in hexadecimal format.

Control Board Executive Image and Port Specification Files

The main SSP is the boot server for the control board. Two files are downloaded by the control board boot PROM during boot time: the image of CBE and the port number specification file. These files are located in /tftpboot on the SSP and the naming conventions are:

/tftpboot/xxxxxxxx for the cbe image
/tftpboot/xxxxxxxx.cb_port for the port number

where xxxxxxxx is the control board IP address in hex format.

For example, if the IP address of xf2-cb0 is, the files for control board xf2-cb0 are:
