Sun Enterprise 10000 SSP 3.5 User Guide

Obtaining Data Synchronization Information

Use the showdatasync(1M) command on the main SSP to obtain basic status information about data synchronization. The examples in this section show the different types of information displayed by the showdatasync command.

The following example shows the status of the datasyncd daemon (file propagation), the files contained in the current data propagation list, and the files queued for data propagation:

ssp% showdatasync 
File Propagation Status:  ACTIVE
Active File:              -
Queued files:             0

The next example shows a data propagation list:

ssp% showdatasync -l  
Mar 23 16:00:00         60           /tmp/t1
Mar 23 17:00:00         120          /tmp/t2

The example below shows the files queued for data synchronization:

ssp% showdatasync -Q  

For additional details, see the showdatasync(1M) man page.