IA-32 Assembly Language Reference Manual

Store Global/Interrupt Descriptor Table Register (sgdt, sidt)

sgdt    	mem48
sidt    	mem48

DTR -> mem48


The contents of the descriptor table register is copied by sgdt/sidt to the six bytes of memory specified by the operand. The first word at the effective address is assigned the LIMIT field of the register. If the operand-size attribute is 32-bits:

If the operand-size attribute is 16-bits, the 32-bit BASEfield of the register is assigned to the next four bytes.

sgdt/sldt are not used in application programs, they are used in operating systems.


Copy the contents of the Global Descriptor Table Register to the specified memory location:

sgdt 0x55555555

Copy the contents of the Interrupt Descriptor Table Register to the effective address (addressed by the EBX register plus an offset of 5):

sidt 5 (%ebx)