Solaris 9 Sun Hardware Platform Guide

Working With Windows Files

Identification of many popular PC file formats in CDE allows you to select and launch them in your preferred PC environment, such as SunPCI. A right mouse click on these files gives you the three following choices in the menu:

You can drag and drop Windows shortcuts onto the front panel. You can also put shortcuts on the CDE workspace by creating a windows short cut in your UNIX home directory and using dtfile to drag and drop. Refer to Windows help on creating shortcuts, and CDE help to get more information on drag and drop.

To Open an Application or Datafile

    Double-click on the shortcut from the Solaris desktop.

    The associated applications must be available to you. This procedure makes the Solaris desktop act like a Windows desktop. You can keep all your relevant applications inside the Solaris CDE front panel and CDE workspace and run them by double-clicking on them.

To Run Windows Binary Files

    Double-click on the file (exe) and run inside the PC environment (for example, SunPCi).

To Copy and Paste Text
  1. Highlight the text you want to copy and select Copy from the Edit menu.

  2. Click the place you want to paste the text, and select Paste from the Edit menu.

To View a File

    Click on the file and select View.

To Search for a File
  1. Select Find/Change from the Edit menu.

  2. Enter the filename into the Find field and click Find.

To Print Files

    Select Print from the File menu

    The file prints out on the PC printer.